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Aug 09, 15 at 8:11pm
@Haruu the mini was just an actor he acted all tough and would bite your hand and junk but he didnt mean any harm he just wasnt used to us and needed to get used to our scent...as for the bigger one i dont really remember i was really little at the time
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 8:16pm
@Michael: Dang.... That's pretty extreme.. >__>;; Ohh twice a year? It sounds like more work than my cat ;w; Did shaving the husky affect its coat whatsoever? @Donnie: Bruh I'm not that tiny... I'm 4'11'' though. I cri @Neko: That's a cute dog. c: Hopefully that behavior didn't move on to his adult years.
Aug 09, 15 at 8:40pm
Haha yeah that would be troublesome he barked so much whenever i first came everytime he saw me he would growl and bark i was scared at first to go near him but he is alright... wow 4'11 so tiny lol
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 8:47pm
That doesn't sound too pleasant. e.e LOL YEAH I'M PRETTY TINY
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 9:05pm
@Haruu Yes, they are a smart breed. It is alot of work but still, overall, highly worth it. If dogs were allowed at my house I would get another husky. This is one of the rare times in my life where I don't have any pets. (besides this neighborhood stray cat that attached itself to me) I don't like living without animals around so I'm thinking of getting a couple rats again.
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 9:22pm
@michael: RATS? XD Lol I thought I was the only person that liked those ahahahaha. At least you have a cat though. c: I'll look into getting one once I get older and live on my own. c:
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 9:49pm
Rats have always been a favorite pet of mine. Except for the females, they're too crazy. Call me rat-sexist if you want. Whateva. Personally I think that their little faces are A-DOE-WAH-BLE! As well as being really smart with a wide range of personalities. So some of them are super affectionate too. The last rat I had was a fancy albino named Bastard. I trained him to tell me when he had to go so I could set him down to take care of things on the ground. Instead of my hood or shoulder which was where he lived 90% of the time. Ahh I miss that little guy. Sorry, I tend to gush when talking about pets. I wouldn't say that the stray is mine in any way. Actually I recently found out that he does have owners. I think he just doesn't like them because they are kinda crazy and he has past trauma from how they found him. I think he got attached to me because of my temperament and I actually give him attention. We hang out alot when i read on my porch. Man....now I really wish I had an animal in front of me to pet.
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 9:50pm
Ugh. I type too much.
Aug 09, 15 at 9:50pm
Man. I miss my rats.
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 10:02pm
@Michael: It stayed in your hood? That's really interesting. I didn't know they could be affectionate. .__. How big was your rat? Ohh that's not good. :< I would take in that cat and keep it as mine. :< I hate it when owners mistreat their pets like that. @shark: Oh wow so many of you have rats. .__.
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