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Thomas. @kirito_kunn
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Thomas. @kirito_kunn
Uni's definitely going great, but it's tough!
Today, I finally got my summer break.
Where are you in life?

Katyusha @katyusharockets
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Katyusha @katyusharockets
Still use this site?

Thomas. @kirito_kunn
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Thomas. @kirito_kunn
:D (the annual smiley)
New Hobbies?

Haruu @haruu
New Hobbies?
Haruu @haruu
Have you guys picked up a new hobby recently?
For me, I recently got into doing my own nails. I used to go to a really nice and fancy nail salon after visiting a couple of bad ones in hopes of having a better experience but rip. The experience wasn't significantly better. Turns out doing your own SNS or gel nails is pretty cheap and easy if you have the proper materials. Also, I save $70 every 3 weeks now LOL.
So, have you guys picked up or mastered anything recently? I forgot how fulfilling it is to get really good at something new. Any suggestions on other hobbies to get into?
post sexy pics of yourself

Haruu @haruu
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post sexy pics of yourself
Haruu @haruu
Only the best