
Haruu @haruu
Haruu @haruu
Wanna meet cool people? Get to know me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Haruu @haruu
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Haruu @haruu
In all seriousness, welcome to the site all you new people.
Check out our unofficial MO TC chatroom. Sometimes we won't be on (me and other reg members), but we try. :)

Nakama @jacob1
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Nakama @jacob1
Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay.

Haruu @haruu
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Haruu @haruu
Lolol Naruto's face

michaelw @michaelw
commented on
michaelw @michaelw
Hullo! What's the cats name? It looks like kitty is plotting escape and is 0.43 seconds from going "meh..." And giving up.

Teslan @tthedragon
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Teslan @tthedragon
I am the cool people.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
did someone call for me?
lol welcome to the site haruu hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
Oh shit I didn't know I got replies in here (this wasn't originally my thread so I don't get notifications)
@ Michael: Her name is Miss Honda. c: LOL YEAH she hates affection T.T
@Waldriech: LOLOL THAT GIF
@neko: I'm actually not new ;w; Someone else made the thread and deleted their first post and so it looks like I made it. I've actually been on site a little over two years I believe. Thank you though c: Lololol those pimped out cars... There's so many of them on display at cons ahaha

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
oh pffft XD i knew that. that is a cute cat btw why does everyone have a cute cat but me
im just gonna steal someone's cat and i know just the person
do they really have cars like those?

Haruu @haruu
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Haruu @haruu
Lolol I got her after some 10 years of pleading to my parents. Finally on New Year's night they got drunk and a family friend of ours was still drinking. He asked me what my wishes were for the new year and I was like oh the same thing as other years; good grades, healthy family, and a cat. He was like OHH DON'T WORRY UNCLE WILL GET YOU ONE (we call him uncle). So next morning he woke up and remembered and he was like oh shit. I promised you a cat. LOL SO WE GOT HER. So you could just try that =w=
Yeeaahh a ton. Let me see if I can find a picture of one from one of my con trips
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