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Unpopular opinions

Jun 03, 24 at 5:26pm
@criselington Amen
The McDLT was dumb for it's time, but now that fast food isn't cheap, bringing it back makes a lot of sense. If you're gonna pay a lot for a burger anyway, you might as well keep the meat hot and the veggies cold.
A downward spiral can actually be quite fun if you throw your hands up and go "WEEEEEE!"
It annoys me when people say, "This movie or song is more relevant now than ever." It was a problem or thing that was going on back then. It only shows me that nothing has changed.
Jul 07, 24 at 7:27am
This is more relevant now than ever... Every morning it's gets a little more real. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6fOO-N4J6bE
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