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Your a Virgin but he/she isnt.

Other than stds which can be tested, why does matter if someone isn't a virgin?? Virginity is so highly overrated is crazy. Experience can be sexy!
Also, sex is sex is sex. Nothing is lost when you have sex, nothing changes, nothing. We need to stop glorifying it so much and stop slut shaming people who enjoy 100% natural human bodily desires... Drops mic
So what if your a guy and the girl your dating isn't a virgin because she took her own virginity via toy/item? What then?
Nah theres really no problem with that at least for me
Jul 23, 15 at 8:19pm
If anything, I wouldn't want to date the person if they were a virgin. Obviously you can't help it if you have feelings for them, BUT if I could choose I would choose not to. Teaching a virgin how to do it and getting them comfortable with all of it is not as great as being able to be with someone who matches you in experience. Although when I was a virgin I definitely would've cared a lot if my partner wasn't a virgin too. That's only because I was the type to get easily jealous. I definitely wasn't mature enough to accept the person who I was with and accept that the past is the past. If I was still a virgin now and my partner wasn't a virgin, then I would accept it. Whatever they did in their past relationships isn't something to hold them accountable for. It's not as if they cheated on you by doing anything with their previous partners.
I've said it before, but every time this gets bumped... You're*
It's not worth worrying about whatsoever - sure when I lost my virginity, it was with one of my exes who was also a virgin then as well but even so I would have felt the exact same way even if she wasn't a virgin. It's just like what misskitehcat said, sex is sex - nothing is lost whether you're first time is with another virgin or not. It really doesn't matter, as long as you're both having fun while you do it that's really all that matters in the end.
Nothing wrong with it except just not having the experience to keep it interesting and exciting for both partners in the bedroom which is very important in a relationship.
I wouldn't want someone that's slept with a lot of people already. It's a deal-breaker.
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