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I came to a realization yesterday. . .

On the internet I'm pretty out there. Being talkative, funny, out going, all of the above that would practically label me as a social butterfly. I have to admit, when it comes to group calling, I can handle that, be myself and all that jazz. When it comes to calling someone one on one, I can be awkward, quiet at first, but later on I form some sort of familiarity towards the other person, then it is just easy street for anymore one on one calls. Yesterday, I realized, real life is a whole other ball park. I met someone I was talking to for a good three months now. We called nonstop, and talked nonstop prior before hand. But, when I met him, I was a absolute MESS. I couldn't talk to him, look at him, or be by him, that was how bad it was in person. I have to admit, my friend accompanied me on that journey to see him after these short months of knowing him, and to be honest, if she wouldn't have came with me, I would have never gone in there to meet him. That is how bad I was. Now, my question for you forum, are you like me? Describe your first meeting with someone you've known over the internet, how'd it go? Was it awkward, or was it easy as ever? Was your first meeting considered 'too soon' or 'long overdue'? For our next meeting.. What can I do so what I did doesn't happen again? See ya later!
The first time I met an online friend irl was awkward I guess... I ended up crying out of anxiety on the bus, and I think that he felt extremely awkward around me the entire time because I wasn't talkative enough... even though I was honestly trying my hardest to be unusually talkative and relaxed... I think that, even though I kept telling him I was shy, he must not have believed me and held way too high expectations for me, and scolded me for being too quiet... so I think that is what caused me to cry in the end. Then we sort of became distant even online, and now we barely ever talk anymore. He's not mean or anything, but I can tell he doesn't want to be around me, and only hangs out when it's for my other friends who he likes to talk to. Then I met with another online friend, and that was much better. She was kind and understanding about my shyness, so I think that prevented the whole awkward feeling. It felt a lot more natural to meet her, and she didn't scold me for being quiet, so I felt more confident and stuff. She didn't treat me any differently afterwards online, either, and we met again after for a bit too. We really only got to spend one day together though, with both of our dads. It's really hard to hangout with her at conventions though because she's so popular and always has people around her and taking photos. So we did have to go to a cafe and restaurant for that one day. You're not alone, I know that I suffer from this too. >.< The best thing you can do, is warn the friend you will meet online about just how shy you are. If they take it badly even after being warned, they probably had too high expectations of you, and they probably are not a good friend for you if they don't want to help you or work things out after... But don't let that get you down, there are people who ARE accepting of people who are shy/awkward irl, and like them for their inner personality(internet personality), and continue to be your friend.
Yesterday. I learn there in another mostly empty beach public park enters. I went the other way when biking my 10 mile sunday later afternoon bike ride. I learn that there is aways something new to discover. When you turn right and not left on the island. By yesterday I mean Sunday, being it is in the AM's now witch means it is tomorrow already. lol Well I have not ever meet someone I talk to online. So I can't really help you much. I personally don't trust you all and would have to have Skype a lot to meet there person and it have to be a somewhat public place. Like a coffee shop. Somewhere if things are not going well I could get up and walk away. When talking to anyone online I see if any red flags come up. Like things that seem common sense out of place. I ask a bunch of questions well I'm a curious type.
I'm pretty much like that, pretty talkative online, quiet in real life. The first time I met someone online was a friend I met on crunchyroll, we both had a common interest in Vocaloid, so it was pretty easy to keep up a conversation. We both were going to MCM Comic con in London, so we though "Hey, why don't we meet up", which is what we did. It wasn't really awkward, probably because of 2 reasons, I had 4 friends from my old school with me who are extroverts, so they were pretty talkative and because we talked over the internet quite a bit, we knew what we could talk about.To be honest though, I was pretty nervous about meeting him because I never met up with someone I met over the internet before, but after like 5 minutes, it was fine. We're meeting up again in May for MCM Comic con again, should go better than before (not because it was awkward before, because we all kept getting split up because it was so busy >_> )
Apr 14, 15 at 12:08pm
I like to write. I hate the phone. I'm more quality than quantity with my words in person. Just different forms of communication and how well our personality deals with them. I don't think I have a separate persona for online though.
That's pretty common for us geeks. I was lucky with the first girl I got to know online though. We quickly met in person first after I'd drank quite a lot, then got to know eachother online over time afterwards. When we met she really didn't mind me being quiet and shy, in fact she reassured she liked me the way I was and she took the initiative most of the time. Later it turned out that was because she wanted someone emotionally distant as a fuck-buddy, so she thought I wasn't emotionally interested in her and that was why she was comfortable with me. BUT during this process and trying to meet someone after her, I've gotten a lot of practice in keeping a conversation going and being natural with someone. I also was very desperate to have someone to talk to when she cut me off, so I opened up to a lot of people, despite having always been a very private person. It's worked out great and I've gotten a lot of support and I'm now a lot more open and social. So I've gotten a lot better and I'm almost a completely different person now. It's difficult at first, but try and keep at it and things get better. I know it's a cliché, but get out of your comfort zone.
I have no problem meeting people from online. Try not to be nervous even though it's difficult, and don't take it hard if you don't clique. I'm very... weird? I guess. I have a hard time with the whole clique thing. I will be extremely fond of a guy and like him upon meeting him, but then after we meet he becomes a lame cow, so I just assume he doesn't want to give things a shot. I don't know if maybe I'm boring or something, but I can't seem to meet a guy I'd like that will keep contact.
My first time wasn't so bad. It just had to start somewhere to break the ice. But once you get over it, it's pretty easy to talk about anything. But I try my best to make myself that I am who I am.. I don't like to talk about depressing things, but it helps bring a connection between them or I as I feel maybe they have been in the same place as me. But I really enjoyed meeting the friends from online :)
I used to be like that and really, I'm still that way to a degree. However, once you realize they may be just as nervous, you tend to relax and maybe even laugh internally about your asinine insecurities. I once met a woman I was talking to on another dating site and trust me, my stomach was in knots. I tend to really over think and become a bit self critical. When we met I was overly quiet at first, but I soon came to the thought that she may be just as nervous, I mean, neither of us had met each other before and to meet under the thought of possible romance is really going to be an awkward thing for anyone. We actually sat and talked for a good 4 hours or so...Needless to say, nothing came of it...I be poor and she had a doctorate. ..so...yeah. But, my point is that you just need to relax, don't over think and don't expect things to turn out any which way. You're only meeting another human who is meeting you for the first time too. And the beat goes on...
First time I met someone I knew offline it was a bit awkward because I had never done that sort of thing before. Even though we knew each other online it kinda felt like meeting a stranger for the first time in a way. Probably didn't help that I had no idea what they even looked like before we met. Didn't say much and mostly just let them lead the way since I was new to the area too (this was in little tokyo in LA) but yeah, couldn't help but act a bit different in that situation. It's been years since then and I haven't talked to the person since, they kinda moved on from our group shortly after we met. Second time it went a lot better. I was more comfortable around the person and we got along better. Helps that I knew them for much longer before we met, and we still talk online (even convinced him to join this site like a month ago). we had a bunch of problems on our trip (again to little tokyo) but it went a lot smoother and felt more comfortable talking to them. I think as long as you know the person well, and know the area well, an offline meetup can go just fine.
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