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Virgin Talk

Aside from sex itself, my favorite is giving oral to a girl. I love the taste. I'm unusual in that I would rather give oral than receive, probably because I don't orgasm easily from oral. Though 69 is fun.
Was that comment really necessary..... I think you've strayed a bit too far off from the original topic....
I only commented because oniiai mentioned she experimented with foreplay. I was curious what others like. Sorry if talking about sex offends you.
Jan 16, 15 at 9:52pm
Vampire, You're not so unusual on the oral, I'm the same way. ilia, Was commenting on how that comment was off topic, on topic?:P I think some are confusing things. I mean, if someone had a relationship before, are they not going to compare a few things ( for the love of god...never verbally compare, it's very demeaning.)? So, what's the difference if they had sex? None. If all I want is an orgas, I have two beautiful hands, if I must say so.;) But, experience plays little part in a selfish person. If you're going into a relationship seeking things just for yourself, you're bound to fail. A relationship is a two way street, just as sex is. I realize some just don't care and those types are in all facets of life and not just sex. The best sex you will ever have is with someone you truly love ( Which may just be yourself .:P).
Jan 16, 15 at 10:13pm
I agree with ilia...this talk ain't really bothering me, but I thought this topic was Virgin Talk?
Jan 17, 15 at 7:28am
I'm not a virgin, but I'm just going to jump in to say @Arc and neet-one, it could be the girls who were less interested when they found out you were a virgin were too insecure about their own experience/abilities to be your first; it's certainly something I'd worry about.
Jan 18, 15 at 2:26pm
Manga_bird, personally I much rather be with someone who's also a virgin, but that's just me. Of course though they wouldn't really have any way of knowing that since it's a kinda awkward thing to talk about.
Sex is the greatest thing since I invented fire. Seriously. Try it! :D
As in go, right now. Drop what you're doing. Go go go!
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