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thrid @thrid
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thrid @thrid
This account has been suspended.

jrobynr25 @jrobynr25
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jrobynr25 @jrobynr25
Actually nothing much. Nothing seems to have caught my interest. I did like one punch man. Maybe I'll give more of that a try.

iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev well then, what shows are you into?

jrobynr25 @jrobynr25
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jrobynr25 @jrobynr25
Hello! Always looking for new anime friends and you seemed pretty chill. Watching anything new lately?
The Otaku Gaming Group!

iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
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The Otaku Gaming Group!
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
PSN - Innateight
The Dragon of Dojima is back!!!

iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
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The Dragon of Dojima is back!!!
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
Been a huge fan of the series. Can't wait to delve into 5 this weekend.