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Virgin Talk

I find that people who lose their virginity become more selfish.
Jan 16, 15 at 1:13pm
I doubt that laifu, It's all just the mindset some of them have, Though there are still plenty of virgins just as selfish.
Jan 16, 15 at 2:00pm
Neet-one, I do agree about a over population issue. However, I was speaking about why sex exists at all, reproduction, those 7 billion won't live over hundreds of years but their offspring will. Anyways, I'm saying the only reason it exists at all is for the function of reproduction, which allowed us to transcend millions of years. Otherwise as a recreational act, it's just for the sake of stimulating the pleasure section in our brains. We even do our best to remove it's function. As it is, sex isn't everything it's meant to be, just a stimulant.
Jan 16, 15 at 4:06pm
leo_ss, we've already got large scale problems with food distribution around the globe and lack of available work even in first world counties. our current numbers are already unsustainable and china has already had to put practices into effect to curve the numbers by limiting one child to each family. applecaeks, You're right. If everyone in the world stopped reproducing we'd face an eventual extinction (see the film Children of Men) but that's not gonna happen and the numbers will only grow and do so more and more rapidly.
Arc @arc commented on Virgin Talk
Jan 16, 15 at 8:13pm
I'm a virgin and I consider myself somewhat selfish. The second a girl learns I'm a virgin they tend to not want to have actual sex. It's like having a desease or something. I'm considering taking that fact off my other dating profile.
Jan 16, 15 at 8:23pm
Probably a good idea Arc. Most women will think there's something wrong with you if you're a virgin, it's like a big red flag that says that since no one else wants what you got there's probably a reason for it. The thought of saving yourself wont occur to most people these days now that everyone's a slut. If nothing else many women would prefer a guy with experience who knows how to pleasure them. So yeah you're probably better off not mentioning it till after you get to know eachother.
I can see why you might have that view laifu. I think it's more, once you have good sex, you can never get enough. Some people become selfish in their desire for that pleasure. I try not to be selfish, but I can't think of anything on earth as good as sex. I want sex all the time, multiple times a day. Only in some relationships was I ever satisfied sexually. It feels so good....
I ment more selfish overall, neko. :D
Jan 16, 15 at 8:38pm
Selfish over all? How so? I wish to be enlightened.
Jan 16, 15 at 8:45pm
Stuff like that is why I feel sleeping around makes long lasting relationships much harder and is probably why people don't stick together anymore. My theory on the matter is that if two people save themselves for each other, they have no expectations or anything to compare it to. You or your partner might like each other but be really disappointed in bed because they're not as good as someone you've been with before. For example; a coworker of mine at my first job had this problem. In the year I worked there he brought his girlfriend over from time to time and they seemed to get along nice, but apparently she kept comparing his abilities in bed to her previous boyfriend who she said fucked her much better than he did. They ended up spiting up largely do to that, because of her sleeping around neather of them could be happy. She was disappointed in his abilities and he hated being compared to and reminded of the other guys she slept with. Point is; ignorance is bliss. You don't know what you're missing out on if anything at all so there's no disappointment or expectations involved. Besides, you can learn how to pleasure your partner over time anyway and vice verse.
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