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Virgin Talk

Jan 14, 15 at 10:17pm
Kind of creepy to reminisce about how hot high school and midleschool girls are, as an adult...no two ways about it. But, yeah...I too was shy even though I knew I had chances. Honestly, there's no shame in being an adult and a virgin. Having sex proves absolutely nothing, the reasons behind why or why not do. Sex is easy, it's life that gets difficult.
No, there's no shame in being a virgin. But damn is sex so good...
Virginity and Gender are just kinda a mind set really Sure we're either born male/female at birth, but that's just it It was assigned to us I hate it when a guy with no common sense is like "She's probably so loose." Complete BS, the vagina is a muscle that can birth a child and reform back to it's original size Virginity on the other hand, it's just someone you slept with for the first time At least, these are my beliefs //rolls away
Jan 16, 15 at 7:33am
Lol its funny when you see a guy that has sex with a bunch of girls and we congratulate him but then a girl that with a bunch of guys and shes suddenly a slut.
Jan 16, 15 at 12:06pm
both are sluts in my opinion.
Jan 16, 15 at 12:11pm
Once again, My beliefs align with Neets.
Jan 16, 15 at 12:24pm
"Shame on everyone that has too much sex or no sex." Do whatever the hell you want. As long as it's not abusive. For humanity's survival we need sex, recreationally it's just another way to stimulate our brains. Otherwise there's really nothing special about it. I do enjoy the hell out of it, but definitely could live without it. Sex isn't anything to brag about or be ashamed of.
Jan 16, 15 at 12:39pm
applecaeks, humanity's survival needs less sex if anything. we're at the point of over population as it is. we're a 7 billion people on this planet, survival isn't really an issue.
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Jan 16, 15 at 1:01pm
Neet I'm pretty sure we need 10billion to be overpopulating, But I agree, the point stands.
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