Urahara @kurahara
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Rose Mommy ®
Urahara @kurahara
I thought you wont like calling you a woman, so I went with a girl!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Why would I be mad at that? I feel like usually it's the opposite when I hear it? XD But, I don't care being called a girl or a woman, cause I can be both. Plus, girl is just like a general term to me sksksk, and no need to shout (◡ ω ◡).
Urahara @kurahara
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Rose Mommy ®
Urahara @kurahara
Hey Woman,
I'm no boy, okay?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Hey man, you called me girl first XD.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Don't I know it!!! ❤️
Mommy’s Random Thoughts
RT @rtae86
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
RT @rtae86
@wei_ying she will be ok. All moms are tough!!!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Thank you, Kai, you are greatly appreciated ^-^. And God has the situation in his hands, because all things work out for our good. ❤️
Mommy’s Random Thoughts
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
@wei_ying Hope your mom will be ok. Will send a few prayers yall way.
Urahara @kurahara
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Rose Mommy ®
Urahara @kurahara
Hey girl,
You on discord?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Hey boy, and no, I'm not on discord. I don't have it.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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Rose Mommy ®
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't even know how people do it. I really hate the pain of exercising.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Ya either do it now or wait till your body quits on you eventually lol.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 What I said is true but, exercise should never be painful, should just be fun and engaging.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I only say what I said because I have been...technically immobile for 14 years where I live. We used to play outside and be active a lot, but due to shootouts and abductions/kidnappings and pimps that are up the street, we had to stop playing outside so often. If I ever did exercise, I would need to take it very slow just to get used to moving around so much again.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Gosh that is very scary and disheartening to hear about the very unsafe environments you are around. Do you live in a apartment too? If so I would understand not being able to do jumping jacks and other exercises inside.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying We used to live in apartments on the...south (I believe) side of DC, which just so happened to be one of the more ghetto/ratchet parts, there was always the smell of pee, vomit and alcohol, and there was a room near our apartment that people did the dirty in along with drugs. We moved from that place when my baby brother was born (I was six), and moved into a house, but it's still really small...especially with 9 people in the too small spaces. But, yeah....we used to play outside here a lot, but the kids down the street were troubled and often caused trouble, plus the fact that (as said before) there are shootouts and pimps right up the street across from us. Also, sadly one of those troubles kids (a girl) got abducted a couple years ago, so our parents kind of limited our time outside due to people's crazy XD.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying (I must mention that they limited our play time/how far we could go when we were kids *obviously lol. I just thought it sounded odd the way I worded it XD*. 5/6 of us are adults now...but we still don't care to stray too far around here XD, especially us girls. We don't want our dad and mom to murder whoever dared to try messing with us.)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
*applauds* *nods of agreement*
The Electronic Sideshow
Veru @verucassault
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The Electronic Sideshow
Veru @verucassault
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Why did I think IBS was an acronym for something really cool? ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ I forgot that it was a stomach issue people have XD. Needless to say, I was surprised when hearing the rap, but, great work! It's hilarious!
come up with the best rap lyrics
Arc @arc
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come up with the best rap lyrics
Arc @arc
okay, I wrote a rap tonight. I have no idea why, but I felt like it. "IBS Rap"
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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Rose Mommy ®
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Thought of you with this ❤️
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Was it the Publix rap? I don't know if the link is working and why it isn't? Cause it showed me multiple different things each time I clicked on it xD.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Yeah it was the Publix rap, sadly TikTok is really manipulative like that. It was show you random different videos then the one you link someone.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Okay! And I'm honored that you thought of me when seeing the rap XD ❤️. Funny thing is, I literally just saw that with my baby brother yesterday when watching YouTube with him.
I need to touch grass. @joemama711 Of course ❤️.
Omg haha YouTube gods are sharing all the good stuff
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
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Rose Mommy ®
I need to touch grass. @joemama711
Thank you for the love and support, I'm pretty much all better thankfully, hope your family stays healthy!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying No need to thank me for such things, Joe! You are always welcomed and I hope you truly know that? I'm so glad to hear that you are practically better already, that's very good news! Now no more getting sick this year ^-^, and thank you for the well wishes for my family. ❤️