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Last online about 17 hours ago
Dude, it's face paint.
Did that dude blackface his neck?
personally I prefer Cesar dressing to ranch, but ranch seasoning is always pretty good on cooked veggies and meat. How do you make your protein cookies cause I always use the 3 ingredient recipe.
Its so weird how putting ranch, sauted spinach and mixed veggies in raw beef then cooking it turned out pretty good. Rare W recipe for once, gotta make some protein peanut butter cookies and smoothie later.
Ya, he went looking around for shoes that matched the character. He's working on making the microphone staff right now.
They look so fun! And I love the one in the striped suits shoes ❤️
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Well let him know he did a wonderful job on the shoes especially ^^
princess_snow @princess_snow I will, they're going to try and do a panel at Sakura con
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That sounds like fun! Will you be joining them or anything?
princess_snow @princess_snow Unfortunately I have no costume for Hazbin hotel nor money to make one.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Aww, sorry to hear that. But I'm sure you'll end up having more opportunities for other cosplays and cons ^^
princess_snow @princess_snow I have plenty of Cosplays planned, just ones I already have.
excited to go to a new con on Sunday
Thank you, My brother got me into them.
That's so cool! You are very talented ❤️
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Have you done other flower one's as well?
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, I did a new one the other day. We get all the flower legos.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's cool! I guess you collect them or set them up as decorations afterwards?
princess_snow @princess_snow We out them in vases or around the house. My brother collects a lot of Legos so it's taken over his whole room and our living room.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That sounds like it's fun to see. I bet it looks like a Lego wonderland walking inside ^^
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya he's got all his ships and stuff hanging from the ceiling and models on the shelves, huge storage bins of assorted legos and even strips on the walls so he can put legos there too.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That sounds like a cool room to look at. Do you have anything in your room or anything?
princess_snow @princess_snow Anime stuff mostly, plushies, posters, pins and cosplay stuff.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Anime stuff is adorable as well. I love collecting stuffed toys, blankets and pillows
princess_snow @princess_snow Right, I probably spend way too much on it, especially cosplay stuff. Actually spent all my money last month trying to get new things for cosplay.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying How many cosplay costumes and items would you say you have? And I feel like cosplaying could be fun (especially if I had someone I love to do it with), but I think I'd be too nervous to cosplays >w<. It does looks very enjoyable though!
princess_snow @princess_snow Well, I have like 30 wigs. Some are used for multiple cosplays and I make some of my outfits. It really is a lot of fun, it's basically the only way I socialize in real life.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's a lot of wigs! What are some things you cosplay for? Do you do multiple fandoms or medias like anime/cartoons, manga/comics and stuff like that?
princess_snow @princess_snow mostly anime, I do a lot of hetalia for example, but I am working on a Poison Ivy outfit too and I once did Kuro from the webcomic 'I hate you'. I play characters from other shows too like Lovely complex (Lisa) or Haikyuu (Kuro) kinda just depends on what I'm feeling.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I love Hetalia! Which character(s) have you cosplayed from it? And who's your favorite? Oh! You make your own costumes? Also, sorry if I'm asking too many questions XD, I don't want to sound like I'm playing 20 questions or something lol
princess_snow @princess_snow No no it's fine, it feels so rare now a days to find someone excited about Hetalia, I play a lot of them Poland, Sweden, Denmark, America (2p,Fem and 1p), France (mostly 2p), England (Always 2p) but my favorite is varieties of Prussia. I love doing casual clothes for him, although I did make his Teutonic knight outfit. I make most of my outfits or I find clothes that work for them from thrift stores.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's cool that you make your own outfits! That's some talent right there! And I love Prussia so much! I don't think I have a specific favorite, but he's definitely up there for me, and he looks like someone who would pull off many varieties of clothes. His milkshake will bring everyone to his yard lol
princess_snow @princess_snow I actually learned German so I could do a better accent for him, now when I get too excited and tired I fall into it. I actually made my own hair clip squishy Gilbird.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's some dedication, and so cool as well! German sounds pretty to me...also I think that's kind of cute you slip into it when you get really excited or sleepy UwU. Aww, I love Gilbird! He has such a cute name
princess_snow @princess_snow Right, I'm trying to make a second one for a friend of mine who is going to do PruCan with me. Oh that's right, I've also done 2p!Canada.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying How do you create Gilbird exactly? Do you crochet or knit or do you do some felting? And that's cute! Are you both just cosplaying for fun or just headed out for an event? Also, I love Canada as well...poor thing is always overlooked-or I should say not looked at at all XD
princess_snow @princess_snow I use furniture foam, cut a rough circle and then sew yellow fabric around it. Mine has the eyes and beak stitched on, but my friends is going to have fabric paint. Hers is also going to be bigger since I accidentally cut the foam too big, but she could just carry it if she wants. We're going to be at an event on Easter weekend. Ya, it's been a long time since I did Canada but I actually wore him for a school project where we had to dress as a country someone in our family came from, and my Grandma is from Canada.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's smart to not waste the foam. I hope she'll love her bird! (I'm sure she will!) And I hope you two enjoy yourselves. And what a perfect opportunity for you to have dressed as Canada, you hit two birds with one stone on that project
princess_snow @princess_snow It was pretty fun and everyone knew that I was Canadian cause I had a hockey stick too.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Do Canadians actually enjoy hockey that much? I know that it's a stereotype you hear a lot (I know Hetalia mentioned it at least once as well)
princess_snow @princess_snow I believe so, I live in the northern part of Washington and everyone here has been hockey crazy since we got our team a few years ago. So I imagine it must be similar there.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's interesting! Hockey seems like it could be fun, especially since ice-skating is fun! Bad thing though is that I flinch easily and so a flying black disc coming at my face full force wouldn't do well with me XD
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, I mean I can't skate normally, so I don't really want to try skating with knives strapped to my feet.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Right! I always thought it'd be fun to learn ice-skating...but pulling off moves (especially at the thought of a partner with me) scares me. I could cut myself, I wouldn't want someone being close enough for me to accidentally slice their throat
princess_snow @princess_snow I'm pretty sure that's a fairly uncommon issue, but ya, it makes me pretty nervous cause my balance isn't great.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Maybe you should give it a try? Not saying it could be the same for you, but my twin is oddly balanced on skates because she's normally clumsy and unbalanced XD. Maybe your lack of balance will even everything out on your skates
princess_snow @princess_snow No, I'm the opposite, I've tried roller skating and ice skating before. It doesn't work, and since I broke my knee last summer I'm not excited about the idea of falling down again. I do have decent balance on my own two feet, although I often look unbalanced.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, yeah, falling badly again (especially so soon) would be a bummer. Maybe there's a way you can try working on balance (if you end up wanting to skate) without being in too much harms way. Maybe get those hockey knee pads for super protection in case you fall
princess_snow @princess_snow I'd probably have to use the skate cage and skate around like a little kid with the granny walker so I could keep myself up.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That doesn't sound too bad. Anything to keep you safe enough from falling too badly on your knee(s) again sounds like a good enough idea to me ^^
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, normally I just don't do it cause, it's not a very enjoyable time for me.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Well that's fine as well. It sounds sad to do something you won't enjoy, especially when you know you don't really enjoy it. Plus! You seem to have a cool enough hobby making your own cosplays so it's nice you have something you do love to do
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, i have plenty of things to take up my time with. I keep getting myself into a bunch of different crafting things.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! What other things do you do? I know so far you love building the Legos and doing cosplay? You have other crafts you create as well?
princess_snow @princess_snow well I do sewing, clay, beading, resin, customize dolls, draw, paint, garden and I keep a lot of animals.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Wow! All those sounds so fun, but especially customizing your own dolls. I love watching videos like that, it's fun what people can create or completely change about the doll. Do you work on any dolls or things like Bratz, Barbies, Baby Dolls, whatever have you?
princess_snow @princess_snow I have a couple barbies I work on. I'm not very good though. I should probably redo my dolls face, cause it got a little messed up again. I did reroot one with some really nice red hair though.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I think people are learning new things everyday, so it's fine even if it's a bit messy. Trial and error is great with anything, but especially handy with crafts ^^. Ohh, red hair is pretty
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, it was pieces off a wig I customized.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You customize your own wigs too! Do you do that thing where people brush out the yarn?
princess_snow @princess_snow not for a wig but I did make a tail once
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Is the tail for a doll or cosplay? Maybe you were making a cosplay for the doll lol
princess_snow @princess_snow No, that was just me wanting to make a tail, though I did use it to be a cat for Halloween. I work at a pet store, so it was good to wear at work.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! You mean a full-sized tail!? I thought you meant something smaller XD
princess_snow @princess_snow No it's like 14 inches or so
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh, okay XD. Still, that's long enough for me. If I tried one it'd look decrepit I'm sure
princess_snow @princess_snow I started by braiding a bunch of yarn together so it had a thick base, then I tied the yarn around it and brushed it out.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying What color did you make the tail? Or did you say that already?
princess_snow @princess_snow oh it's black with a white tip, the cat ears I have are black
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Aww, I was going to ask if you had cute ears to go with it. I have cat ears as well, I have a choker that goes with it instead though
princess_snow @princess_snow Ya, I mean I have a lot of chokers so I think I just wore a black outfit with them.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You can't go wrong with black. And chokers are fun, I need to remember to wear my jewelry more often though
princess_snow @princess_snow I can't cause of birds, they'd try to eat it.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You can't forget to wear your stuff or wear it in general? And are these birds in question random birds or a part of the animals you said you keep?
princess_snow @princess_snow They're at the store I work at. When we socialize them they'll pull/rip and damage any jewelry you wear.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, that makes sense. That and wouldn't want to possibly choke the animal with small pieces of jewelry as well
princess_snow @princess_snow ya, well it's really late so I'm gonna go to bed now. Night.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Goodnight. Sweet dreams and please stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always
Finally started going back to the gym. Hope I can get my knee back in shape
I mean, it's a wig but thanks
My type of redhead!
I work retail and spent like 10 years in a choir that only sang Christmas songs all year long, I call it seasonal trauma.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Dec 08, 23 at 12:43pm
When you're broke as shit, Christmas music grates extra hard. So much advertising telling you "BUY, BUY BUY!!!". Fucking Christmas... Would that I could.
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