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Looking for a friend
about 1 year ago • Introductions
Hello, I am a 24-year-old guy. I know Japanese, English, Ukrainian and Russian. I am not looking for someone for romance, explicit conversations, and such things. LOL. I simply want to find someone of the opposite sex with similar views to discuss the differences in our perceptions of reality, influenced by both our social roles and physiological disparities. About me: 1. I am a VERY positive person and cannot stand negativity. I try to live in harmony with those around me and create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone. 2. I am extremely rational and can see the world from a broad and objective perspective. I constantly engage in self-analysis and have always questioned any statements, including my own. 3. I enjoy contemplating various subjects and relish the process of pondering them. 4. After countless hours of reflection, I found my purpose in life through anime culture. I realized that nothing in the world brings me more pleasure than exploring and enjoying anime. I learned Japanese on my own just to watch anime in its original language. What is extremely important to me about you: A girl between 20-25 years old. 1. Extremely rational, deep-thinking, and open to new experiences. 2. Extremely positive. 3. You love anime intensely. 4. Maybe in real life, you are completely reserved, but deep down, you have an intense love for hentai and other similar things (don't worry, I'm not interested in engaging in explicit conversations or anything like that. I don't care about that. I just want to discuss how our perceptions of sexual matters differ. I've always been curious about how someone of the opposite sex perceives explicit content. I have no interest in real-life relationships or sexual interactions with people, and I plan to live my life mostly alone. But I'm interested in sharing experiences and thoughts with someone of the opposite sex. To be honest, this is the main reason why I'm looking for someone to talk to: I just want to discuss the differences in how we perceive explicit things).
Ищу подругу
about 1 year ago • Serious Talk
Привет. Парень 24 года. Знаю японский, знаю англ. Не ищу человека ради романтики, пошлой переписки и т.п. лол. Мне просто хочется найти человека противоположного пола со схожим мировоззрением, чтобы обсуждать различия в нашем восприятии реальности, основанных как и на отличающейся социальной роли, так и на отличиях в физиологии. Обо мне: 1. Я сам позитив, не выношу никаких негативных действий, стараюсь жить в гармонии с окружающими людьми и создавать комфортную для всех атмосферу. 2. Я ультра адекватный и понимаю как смотреть на мир широко и с обьективной точки зрения. У меня всегда работает самоанализ и я всю жизнь ставил под сомнения любые утверждения, включая мои собственные. 3. Я люблю размышлять о любого рода вещах и наслаждаюсь процессом их обдумывания. 4. Спустя тысячи часов размышлений, нашел свой смысл жизни в аниме культуре, ибо понял что никакие вещи в мире не приносят мне большего удовольствия нежели исследование и наслаждение аниме. Выучил японский язык в соло дома лишь ради того, чтобы смотреть аниме в оригинале. Что для меня ультра важно в тебе: Девушка 20-25 лет. 1. Ультра адекватная, глубоко мыслящая и открыта ко всему новому. 2. Ультра позитивная. 3. Ультра сильно любишь аниме 4. Мб ирл ты и абсолютно тихая, но в душе ультра любишь хентай и прочие вещи (не парься, я не хочу заниматься пошлой перепиской или т.п., мне пофиг на это, я просто хочу обсуждать то, как отличается наше восприятие тех или иных вещей сексуального плана. Мне всегда было интересно анализировать то, как человек другого пола воспринимает пошлые вещи. Мне абсолютно пофиг на ирл отношения и сексуальные интеракции с людьми, я +- планирую всю жизнь прожить один, но мне интересно обмениваться опытом и мыслями с человеком противоположного пола. Сказать честно, это главная причина почему я ищу человека для общения: я просто хочу обсудить отличия в нашем восприятии пошлых вещей)
Jul 21, 23 at 8:53am
Zom 100
about 1 year ago • Anime News and Discussion
Jul 18, 23 at 8:35pm
You can conjure a gunblade, but you still need to be a specialist to use it. Don't you know your FFVIII lore or were you too distracted by Triple Triad, Chicken Wuss?
Jul 17, 23 at 8:54pm
I agree with Panda-kun that Dr. Stone fails at its premise to use scientific knowledge to best Senku's obstacles! Everything happens strictly out of convenience. If Senku needs resources it magically shows up wherever he needs it to. Does he lack the physical ability to make an item? Well good thing there is a random village with everyone who apparently are master artisans. Did Senku's dad have no realistic way of knowing where his son was going to turn up or what exactly he was going to need. Doesn't matter because he's apparently psychic with a failproof strategy to have all of his descendants know how to relay important clues 3,000 years into the future! Face it, if it weren't for the charismatic characters this show would be equal to JOJO's Bizarre Plot Convenience!
Jul 17, 23 at 8:32pm
I remember the first time I knew about this anime was because Suara did a live performance on 2009 singing the opening Free and Dream where she absolutely dominated the song, pretty good series overall, nothing too outstanding about it but nothing too weak either
Reanu Keeves, handsome prince of Skyrim, and ugly duckling brother of Keanu Reeves. Whether it be everyday cutlery or toy swords, this man can do it all.
They call me the Ani-Christ because I too, like Anime Jesus, can revive dead discussions and allow lame threads to walk once more. Behold my unholy gifts that I now shall bestow unto each of thee! https://animecorner.me/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Maousama-01.png
Jul 17, 23 at 6:53pm
Finally i get some responses! It's probably the best Manga I've ever read about a boy with hemmroids. Honestly, everyone here should consider giving Kiss My Ass a try
about 1 year ago • Anime News and Discussion
Jul 17, 23 at 3:52pm
I wouldn't call myself a diehard fanatic, then again...
Not @forgetmenot as he says it is the worst series to ever come out since Bleach and One Piece combined! Yeah you heard right. This "French" Curly fellow can't stand the sight of Araki's art style. It makes him sick whenever someone dares make a reference to it in his presence. You won't find anyone on planet Earth that would loathe JOJO's Bizarre Adventure more than him, Curly-san! Better run before he muda-muda-mudas us all in a fit of JOJO rage! https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/968/313/e54.jpg
Now one day, I'll accidentally read that as "Fooly Curly" and then I'll take over the thread, Dio style
Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to more torture? Every character in that series is morally bankrupt or beyond incompetent. Nothing in that universe is worth salvaging as even the creators wanted a show of pure misery and spite. Where no one was good, just vaguely morally grey. Outside of the music that show has zero to offer. In addition the manga is just as worse. Yeah the two cousins have an incest baby that has the Diclonius Virus implanted into it by Lucy. That's nice of her, haha! So yeah. Bury every copy of the DVD in some hole out in Arizona and burn the books like the trash that it was. *spits on it*