~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
Hehehe I decided to make my own forum thread to post my silly lil pictures and vent about whatever is going on in my life (also because I see other people have similar threads as well and wanted to do the same)

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday

I have a severe inferiority complex at work because I love to make things perfect, but I end up being too slow at my job because of it. I hate when people rush and things are sloppy, but technically "done". I also have a hard time saying "no" to people, especially customers, and that slows me down a lot, too. I need to find another job eventually...

jacoblow @jacoblow
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
jacoblow @jacoblow
i have issues too, (i mean that in a witty way)

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday

I wish I was more normal... The more I interact with new people, the weirder I feel inside. I'm good at conversations (not at replying on time, though), but in responses for the most part. It's easy to talk to people in a way they'd like to hear and I am honest whenever I talk with people (I feel extremely guilty when I lie). I'd like to be more open, but then I get too silly and I don't want to weird them out, especially to people I really like. It doesn't help being an oddball interest wise either and I can't relate to a lot of people. Also yes I genuinely do meow, but only when I'm 100% comfortable with someone. I am prone to strange noises and quoting memes however.

TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
These are not character flaws or things to be ashamed of. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so it's more about finding the people that want do those things with you or laugh along with you when you do them.
I once went to an arts and crafts store with my brother and his gf and any time we'd round a corner into an isle and have to do that awkward shuffle with other customers, I'd loudly exclaim "OH NO OTHER HUMANS!" and run away (I'm 6'4 and look more like I'd be intimidating than be intimidated). Some of the random people laughed and some gossiped about a man my age acting like that, but my brother and his gf always found it hilarious.
Or the day he and I found half of a frozen banana (It was entirely covered in a thick layer of ice) and I picked it up and placed it in a "certain place" and began asking random people if it looked infected to them. We still joke about that to this day.
Or every single time I enter a walmart I find a place where I am partially hidden and when someone asks what I'm doing I reply "There are people about...be weary stranger" or "Oh no I've been found! Ninja vanish!" and then I proceed to stay still.
Normal is boring.

TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
Well I mean you said it best. You walked straight in here and decided to read all that and be a negative Nancy. I probably could have found a better word than gossiped, I'll give you that.

jacoblow @jacoblow
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
jacoblow @jacoblow
it's a nice kind of day where you'll just sleep all day while playing studio ghibli music on youtube

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
I see no point. Not everyone wants to be weird. Just like the other dude said normal is boring. Obviously, not everyone wants to be normal, either. If she complained about being normal, would we have said the same thing? Or do we all have a personal problem with "normal"? Or something? Some people, like myself much prefer to sit down to a normal, simple, quiet life. I don't have to "deal with it" I can forge my life right? I can, and I DO live a quiet life. Why is it attention seeking, should she do the same for hers?

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
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~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
I'm really sorry to everyone I haven't replied to in a while... I worked Friday through Monday and it was really stressful. Coming back to MO and seeing everyone who has messaged me on here with so much kindness makes me happy, but also ended up overwhelming me. It's no one's fault but my own. I want to talk to everyone equally, but I'm not good at talking to 10+ people in one sitting. And I didn't want to be attention seeking at all either, I purely vented that day. I didn't think a bunch of people would respond to it. It's a really dumb post and I'm sorry for taking so long to respond to anyone's replies or messages. I'm not in the best mental state right now and I don't want to dump depressing stuff on anyone (and to those I have done so to, I'm really sorry). When I feel better, I will get back to everyone.

jacoblow @jacoblow
commented on
~ Mimi's Girlie Pop Universe ~
jacoblow @jacoblow
we both had a hard week, huh
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