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Oct 23, 15 at 2:07am
i make music and i've been making music and i'm BAD at it
Oct 23, 15 at 12:46pm
I really like to sniff my dog whenever I hug him. :T I don't even really think about it, I just recently noticed that I do it a lot. He's fluffy and soft and his smell is comforting for me so it calms me down whenever I hug him, especially after a stressful day. at least he can't judge me for it D:
Oct 23, 15 at 3:44pm
Confession: I wish I wasn't socially awkward. I want to make friends, but whenever I try, I feel like I'm coming off as creepy and stop.
Oct 24, 15 at 6:22pm
Sometimes...I like to play videogames while naked...its especially hilarious when I'm on voice chat since no one can see me.... Tmi for you guys? I hope so...enjoy THAT image hue hue hue hue
Oct 26, 15 at 11:38am
I've bought porn dvd's before just to throw them away after watching it once so nobody would find it.....and then I've wasted 20 bucks doing the same thing again.......
Arc @arc commented on Confessions
Oct 26, 15 at 11:59am
Animekid, I hope that porn thing isn't recent. The Internet is way easier nowadays
Oct 26, 15 at 12:05pm
Not recent.....ish....few years ago lol.
Oct 26, 15 at 2:44pm
Everyone thinks Im ok....
I watched hell of HENTAI.... ( >//v//<)/ Go HENTAI!!!!! also I swing both ways...( >3<)/
B. @verflucht commented on Confessions
Oct 26, 15 at 5:50pm
I had to beat up my Korean-exchange student in self-defense, man little shit was hardcore
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