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SimonSan @simonsanbr
SimonSan @simonsanbr
How is my face now?

yaasshat @yaasshat
left a comment for
yaasshat @yaasshat
It's good to see an "old" face, here. How've you been?

SimonSan @simonsanbr
SimonSan @simonsanbr
The last person wins a free internet. Keep up...
The last person

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
commented on
The last person
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Does what? What does the last person do?

SimonSan @simonsanbr
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Wow. Not been here in years and I joined this place about 11 years ago. I doubt the old gang are knocking around but if anyone recognises me, say hey!
Hi everyone

SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
Hi everyone
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Thank you! ^_^
Last one to post here wins

SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
Last one to post here wins
SimonSan @simonsanbr