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Serious question, how does one survive a night with a spider in the room that just.. Suddenly disappeared? That thing was also fairly big and now I'm fearing for my life.
@chiarichibi 1. Cocoon yourself in any blankets you have, make sure your air supply is good and all sides/your head is covered. 2. Stay up all night to keep an eye out on said enemy to make sure they are done infiltrating (yes...I have done this many times, I loath spiders). 3. Burn down your house (preferably with you outside of it XD, blankets and all). 4. In the case that the enemy has managed to evade all your tactics to destroy it, move to space. 5. In the case that the enemy still prevails...give up and die. It's harsh, but I don't know what else to say for you to escape or survive. (No dying actually, your life is precious) XD
Sep 08, 24 at 6:56pm
Coexist peacefully.
@wei_ying And here I thought I can get a good night's sleep for once since I have tomorrow off. *sigh* Option 2 it is then, I have pets to house that're more important to me than my own life. @rtae86 Peace was never an option, especially not after I discovered it's the hairy type of a spider. One of us has to go, and it's not me.
@chiarichibi I'll be wishing you the best of luck during this mission, soldier. We'll be waiting to hear news from you, cause you WILL make it out alive, dying is not an option.
Morning Beautiful People of MO
Good afternoon beautiful senpai of MO, how are you today?
I'm good, at work
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