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In Search of Athletic Otaku

^ that's a joke right? some incel shit right here
to explain, all we did was literally just call you out for what you were doing; targeted bullying, mean comments, mocking her. and we interpreted insecurities in how y'all phrased your nonsense. stop trying to bring people down for giving an opinion, yet again. your "opinions" weren't "opinions", they were just straight up mean comments. you go calling out people "white knights" when what were doing is just common sense. imagine trying to defend a defenseless woman getting (physically) attacked and getting called a "white knight" to bring the person defending the woman down. that is just stooping so low.
I also don't understand why you made this comment. we weren't attacking you, kameiya. you weren't the one at fault. you weren't making mean comments. Yet now I see you defending the people at fault in very, very poor taste.
@yass if a guy made this thread no one would care tbh. if the roles were reversed you wouldnt see any female attention on it and thats just how things work. As for her likes, alot of the people on here are athletic and there is nothing wrong with having a type. But if she isn't able to find what she wants irl thats really worrisome cuz there isnt much that she asked for which leads me to believe there is something else.
Your guys' call out was simply calling the ones giving their own opinions bad names and putting their personalities down just cuz it left a bad impression due to it not being nice. If you acknowledge how reality is like not everything comes off nice. People have a right to voice their own opinions that holds no malice yet the ones judging us is twisting it around to make it come off as malice. There is a huge difference between somebody, not just a woman, being beat up, and a person receiving opinions. Yet one much prefers to make it look as if it was a violent attack just to justify their own judgemental attacks on people like us who actually has the spine to voice our opinions. Seriously, seeing all this attack on free voicing of how we view things shows just how disappointing some humans can be. I will not be silenced or change my own opinions just cuz several of you guys decided to come up and bully us just for speaking our minds. I most certainly am not that weak minded. You guys can judge and call people like me all the names you want. I know I'm not wrong. And that most certainly won't change.
i cba to read the majority of this cancer but why the fuck is that mary kid so salty lmfao imagine wanting an athletic partner so you can enjoy your athletic hobbies together then someone 7 years younger than you calls you an e-girl LOL
Funny how websites like these are made for people to meet their "own kind" but it is their own special mind and way of thinking actually stop them from finding a partner, you're the one who is putting yourself in a box . Just because there is a stereotypical type to otakus does not mean everybody is like that. By commenting like this you are not putting only yourself down but the entire community. I would like to think of ourselves as diverse people with different hobbies, standards and life styles. We have a saying in my language that you do not hit the mouth of a person who asks, you guys may put it off as joking around but it was really unnecessary. Giving advice is okay but commenting on a person for being naive and young for her preferences is just idiotic.
Oct 17, 19 at 8:30am
What happened here? O.o
Oct 17, 19 at 8:37am
*Skillfully dodging the arguing comments* There is hope for me yet! My pursuit does not end here, ladies and gentlemen!
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