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Vote if I Am a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord

Oreo has a Star Wars themed cookie with red or blue frosting to determine if one is with the Dark Side (Red) or the Light (Jedi). https://i.ani.me/0364/7479/1000006196.jpg https://i.ani.me/0364/7483/1000006197.jpg What side I am? Decide you must. Voting shall you judge me by, yes! JEDI: https://i.ani.me/0339/0595/img_20220924_212318296.jpg SITH: https://i.ani.me/0349/9820/img_20230527_192019564.jpg
You are actually a sith. I'm calling it (completely wrong most likely XD).
All will be revealed as soon as more people vote. Thanks for participating, Wei Ying!
Being Sith is much cooler. No weird shots of green milk dripping down the chin.
Good = green milk = gross Evil = white milk = win
I can't tell if that's a Ezio cosplay from Assassins Creed 2 but it's cooler then the nobody cloak lol. I vote Jedi Master for the fit Alone.
JEDI. no questions accepted at this time. show me those cookie innards.
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