Is men chasing women outdated?

anonmouse @anonmouse
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Is men chasing women outdated?
anonmouse @anonmouse
Ah, I get the type you are. Are you actually surprised women dislike you... ? Shame on me for thinking you actually cared. Good luck, dear.

dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
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Is men chasing women outdated?
dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
What? I think you have the wrong idea? I am genuinely trying to understand relationship dynamics, it's not nice to assume something of me, when I am very ignorant of such things. I state facts, I don't really get emotional with stuff, so maybe I come off as uncaring? But if you've already got a bias view of me, then there's nothing I can do to change that.

popblossumsarenotlikeme @popblossumsarenotlikeme
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Is men chasing women outdated?
popblossumsarenotlikeme @popblossumsarenotlikeme
You use a lot of those words that are often thrown around on the internet or twitter-spaces "A lot of guys are sick of trash ghetto / sexist women".
What do you mean by that? I am just talking to myself, I could be wrong or right. If you mean modern day feminists that fall under that as being sexist, buddy you need to find a new bubble.
To get to know people you need to get out there, either by a hobby, activities, even dating apps can be fine. Part of asking someone out is the environment: on the streets or while being busy shopping is not a good idea. Either party should also respect a simple "no", then you just move on with your life.

KanekiVoices @snakee_dubs
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Is men chasing women outdated?
KanekiVoices @snakee_dubs
I do have to agree with that logic. The verbage you use does need more context on the why.

dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
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Is men chasing women outdated?
dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
Again, my vocabulary is limited due to having to pick up stuff on my own, I never had someone teach me english, so I understand that I'm not good on giving context. However, just as there are sexist guys out there (which I agree are pieces of garbage) sexist women exist as well. But alright, ignore that comment I made, that was my mistake. Back on topic. If a guy that has a stable job and a home, like the guy I mentioned before, is he expected to talk to women, or should it be more acceptable for women to talk to him? So far, he's talked to several, but none of them were able to put the effort he puts in. I'm trying to understand things better, I want him to be more happy than I am trying to for myself, just because he's that great of a guy, and helped me out a lot. Should he wait patiently for someone to talk to him, or should he try talking to women again? Though, it is hard enough as it is for him, working full time. Is that something people can't even do anymore, dating while working full time?

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Is men chasing women outdated?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Why isn't he getting what he wants? Because who he wants does not want him. Must he pursue? Nope. Gonna be harder here in the US (You're in the us, right?)since that's the norm, but not impossible. Where is said guy trying to meet women? If you want to be pursued, you've gotta advertise to the right crowd, too. Lots of variables. Full-time work is not the issue, I can assure you that's a bonus as is a house.
Nice save by claiming your vocabulary to be so limited while also typing out paragraphs in quite literate

dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
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Is men chasing women outdated?
dave_the_hermit @dave_the_hermit
Yes, I am in the us.
"Nice save by claiming your vocabulary to be so limited while also typing out paragraphs in quite literate English."
I genuinely did not know, being 100% honest. I try to do my best, but there are several words I do forget, so I am lacking a flexible vocabulary, but maybe that's just me trying to do better. I never had anyone point out if my grammar or english was good or not, I am horrible at giving context, or conveying what I'm thinking.
"Where is said guy trying to meet women?"
Definitely not bars, that's an obvious trap. As far as I know, either online, or random places, especially at his kids' schools, or other places they randomly go.
He takes his kids to places associated with school activities, and to amusement parks when he can, he gets out enough, but he's always busy. Being a journeyman plumber means he doesn't work a typical 9 to 5 job.
Part of it I think, is the fact he's on the smarter side. He's a kind and fun guy, but he will get an idea of what type of person you are quickly.
And no, I don't mean he's judgemental, I mean, he REALLY is good at reading people. Every person I've met that he's had an idea about, he was right about them. If they were a crook, he was right, if they were lying, he was right. So maybe women are put off by that?
"You've gotta advertise to the right crowd, too."
I don't think that's an issue for him, but he keeps on attracting crazies, druggies, women that want what he has, but don't put in the effort he does, or especially promiscuous women.
Might be because of our location, a city that grew too big, too quickly, so there's a lot of idiots, druggies, and old people.
It's probably the worst place here to find people, since there's nothing really to do here either, you'd have to go to the actual city, which is easily an hour or more drive. The only time he clicked with someone, she was either already married, or was done with relationships, and he understood that.
Is it really that difficult? So far a couple of you guys kept complaining about me, which I understand, I gotta do better at conveying my thoughts, but I still have several questions I want help with, trying to connect to people online isn't easy for me, so please throw me a bone to the head.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Is men chasing women outdated?
yaasshat @yaasshat
You want a solution when there is nothing anyone here can offer that seemingly will suit your thoughts. What answer are you looking for? You started off making this about pursuing vs being pursued and now it's about finding a solution for your friend. He has kids? He has more important things to deal with(Kids will be a huge deal to anyone he wants a relationship with. They are a package deal.) than being pursued or not.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Is men chasing women outdated?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
What the OP sounds like to me:
"How can I get the sex from a female while providing nothing of worth in return? Asking for a friend."

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Is men chasing women outdated?
neeto @neet_one
In a sense it might be a necessity in modern society. More and more men are afraid to peruse women on any level due to potential fallback. It's not just issues of confidence or self worth, a lot of perfectly good guys out there don't want to risk claims of harassment or loose their job. These are guys who often have a lot to loose and don't feel it's worth the risk. meanwhile, we've all seen what types of guys aggressively chase women. I think if a women want to meet decent guys in this day and age, guys who aren't just looking for a little quick fun, I think they need to be a bit more proactive in finding them.
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