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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(1:47 PM Sat. Nov 19th) My poor dad is having a crisis with his daughters XD. Our eldest sister as most have seen on this thread before has got a job, to which he is very proud of her but couldn’t believe she’d be out there with “vultures” (his words not mine XD) and it didn’t help he watched Father of The Bride so whenever my twin asked him “how old do you see her as? 7 or 10” he answered: “2” lol. But, my twin told our dad yesterday she had a dream that she had twins and he quickly rebuked that dream XD... our mom was happy to hear that though. And our baby brother can’t keep his mouth shut and told him (to make matters worse for him sksksk) about when I said every time I see babies the more I want to have them. Our dad shut down on that one... poor papa is having a crisis XD.
(9:04 PM Sat. Nov 19th) I just wanna say that I thank everyone for being so nice and sweet and trying to do your best everyday. You all are and can be truly lovely individuals and you all deserve the best things in life, you may have done things in the past that may make you think you don’t, but you do! Especially if you are trying to mend those things... that is such a huge decision to make and I pray for you to continue to fight through the sad days, bad days and God awful days. Don’t listen to negativity when you are trying to get yourself together! If you think no one loves or cares for you, I DO! I love you all so much! And I don’t care if I don’t know you, I love you and nothing will change my concern over when any of you darlings are doing bad. Stay lovely, keep fighting and take my love loves! <3 https://media.tenor.com/GIpKYZ-h91AAAAAd/heroine-tarumono-heroines-run-the-show.gif https://media.tenor.com/ZYUbvoVXwQsAAAAC/love-you.gif
(8:43 PM Sun. Nov 20th) I am so tired XD. But, I have been watching Justice League (the cartoon) and I think I have been watching it too much lol. I had a dream where the Flash (Wally West) was on a stakeout (he was doing pretty well at first considering it’s him doing it), but he ended up being caught by an evil, yodeling, Finnish man (who was an evil scientist at that) XD. I woke up heart racing as Wally was being chased... I think just because of the chase, because nothing scary was happening in dream.
(3:18 PM Mon. Nov 21st) I once again am apologizing to my body for not giving it a baby yet. It has decided today is the day to punish me and throughout the week, it does explain why I feel so sleepy though and the cramps hurt! I wanna eat something sweet, curl up on something warm and also eat spicy foods lol. https://media.tenor.com/nj4CB7AQNnMAAAAC/cute-yawn.gif https://media.tenor.com/3V7ULsBpqxoAAAAC/bed-time-anime.gif
Sorry, fam. 8[ Those days make you appreciate the non-icky, gross ones way more, but still sucks at the time.
@verucassault Thank you. It definitely gets easier for me after the second day :3, you shall be the warm thing I curl up on XD.
(7:43 PM Mon. Nov 21st) I can’t wait for Thanksgiving! The delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, bread rolls, stuffing, collard greens and macaroni and cheese. Then for dessert is pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, brownies (for the siblings of mine that don’t eat pie) and ice cream. And before Thanksgiving on Wednesday though, me and my family watch a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and eat the meal Snoopy prepared for the kids as dinner. It is a fun tradition we started and I hope everyone can find a way to have a nice Thanksgiving too <3
(2:20 AM Wed. Nov 23rd) Well, it happened again. This thing only happened one other time before, I felt dizzy after finishing the dishes and felt like throwing up... I also felt like I was gonna fall over any second. But, it’s great I came to quickly lie down! because now I feel better ^-^.
(12:01 PM Wed. Nov 23rd) Hello and good morning my lovelies! I hope everyone slept well? But, I am so excited! Today is the day we have the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving dinner, my mom didn’t get any regular Jellybeans though! She got starburst flavored Jellybeans and I can’t wait to eat them. That and the fact tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I cannot believe we are here already, but I am so excited for decoration day (for Christmas) which always follows on Friday just after Turkey Day. https://media.tenor.com/JI6vimzrKt8AAAAC/snoopy-charlie.gif https://media.tenor.com/bX5zAUSZkZgAAAAd/get-that-bread-get-this-bread.gif
Now am excited too hkhkhk :”>
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