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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@wei_ying @gdmh39 to ease your minds, Cris is doing aight. We frequently chat and tag each other via IG and Tiktok. Idk tho when he coming back, maybe never, but he all goods.
What she's not telling us is that Cris is tied to a bed with 2 broken legs in a cabin in the woods that Amarantha owns. She will not release him until he writes the perfect ending for her upcoming novel.
@amarantha that’s very good to know. I am glad he is doing alright ^-^, tell him I said he is handsome as always even though he doesn’t believe it all the time sksksk
(8:51 PM Sun. Nov 13th) I don’t know if I am feeling uncomfortably hot or just fine. The heat was on for a few minutes straight and I feel hotter now, doesn’t help that it is coming back on... guess I am dying of heat stroke lol. I don’t wanna get up since I am relaxed and I don’t wanna take my sweater off either.
(5:04 PM Mon. Nov 14th) Guess who’s back from the doctor’s? Me, obviously XD. My mom took me to this urgent care place we haven’t been to yet, but the workers were all very nice. I got tested for strep throat since the left, right and middle of my throat was hurting badly and it hurt to swallow; the test came back negative though so don’t worry. What I thought was just a sickness did happen to be an infection in my right ear though :3, I have medicine for it now and we just have to go pick it up. I did also find out my exact height today... I thought I was 5’4-5’5, but I am still 5’3 and... 1/2 though so UwU. I am a big woman UwU!
(4:28 PM Wed. Nov 16th) My internet is running like me. Slow and lagging behind constantly lol
(7:49 PM Wed. Nov 16th) It is freezing in my room. Someone...please send warmth my way XD. My fingernails are turning blue that is how bad I am at handling the cold. But, I should be used to it by now... if I never come back online again I turned into an ice block sksksk.
I feel your pain. I had to put a heating pad under my covers when dat cold front came through.
@verucassault let’s become penguins and huddle for warmth XD. Body heat will help a lot
(8:00 PM Thu. Nov 17th) Why am I listening to 58 minutes and 29 seconds of fast paced, exercise disco music? And tell me why I have decided to listen and dance to 44 minutes and 16 seconds of it? XD If anyone wants to join me someday, please don’t be afraid to. We can make plans to meet and have a disco party XD.
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