If you need a girl...

Ehkuhto @urbut4
If you need a girl...
Ehkuhto @urbut4
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Rain @rainx
commented on
If you need a girl...
Rain @rainx
Well we do have a thread for bad advice....so yeah. XD

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
If you need a girl...
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
*taking notes*

Rain @rainx
commented on
If you need a girl...
Rain @rainx

Adrian @adrian21
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If you need a girl...
Adrian @adrian21
If you wanna go out with you're crush just walk up to her and say "damn that ass looking phat" thank me later bro

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
If you need a girl...
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
If you need a girl actually go up and talk to her first without stupid pick up lines. You'll be surprised at the effect.

Adrian @adrian21
commented on
If you need a girl...
Adrian @adrian21
Nah wrong dude my source: trust me bro

Animekid @animekid
commented on
If you need a girl...
Animekid @animekid
What Kami said. Pick up lines can work and all of that but a lot of girls are also tired of pickup lines and sometimes even if they aren't tired of them when they expect a pick-up line sometimes not pulling out a pick-up line can actually make more of an impact because it shows that you are more interested in them then you are in picking them up if that makes sense.
Now I don't really have much experience with picking up girls or dating or any of that but I do have a lot of experience when it comes to talking to girls over a variety of subjects and watching people and how they react. It all depends on the person but you might be surprised. It's like going to an NSFW server. You always see a bunch of thirsty guys but believe it or not sometimes the people who are just chilling with the girls will actually end up getting something more often than the thirsty people even if the thirsty people are hot.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
If you need a girl...
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
What Anime kid said and well just talking with them about anything you find interesting?? If they aren't into the Convo then would you really want that woman to be yours? Trial and error really.

Adrian @adrian21
commented on
If you need a girl...
Adrian @adrian21
Dude no one in here is being fr, the guy literally started the thread saying you need 190,000 dollars
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