Political rants

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
All we can hope is that wherever the military budget ends up going in the upcoming years that it genuinely helps the common soldier and not the private manufacturing industry owners.

Ghost @kuharido
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Political rants
Ghost @kuharido
It's going to the robber barons. None of us are getting it.

shinku @electryc
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Political rants
shinku @electryc
In all seriousness, politics aside, the way the Trump admin has been handling the "release" of the epstein files is disgusting. Having libsoftiktok and other influencers parade the white binders with literally nothing in them with smiles and the House Judiciary posting a "rick roll” after claiming they just linked the Epstein list is fucking dystopian and is treating rape and trafficking (especially of kids) as some sort of fucking spectacle/joke. Matters like that should never be turned into a team sport. Dems and republicans are too busy comparing who supports the most pedophiles to do anything good for this country or its people.
They'll never release those files, everyone knows it. Too many powerful people in both parties. We live in a uniparty country. Besides, commander in chief himself is 100% on those files. His cult is probably hard at work redacting any uncomfortable truths in there if they're even planning on releasing them at all

shinku @electryc
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Political rants
shinku @electryc
This and the AI Trump gaza video man. It's a circus, it's not even politics anymore, it's a deeper infection of our country. Fuck the government, fuck the parties, and fuck everyone involved in this clown show

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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Political rants
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
I mean yeah there were reports that the FBI was deleting evidence on the Epstein files not sure how true it is but it's definitely a possibility now that trump put someone in his corner as head of the FBI

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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Political rants
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
@electryc Yeah that AI Trump Gaza video was all narcissistic. I'm a narc myself but I fight everyday. He doesn't seem like someone who fights it. People look up to him but they don't know what it is they look up to. He flaunts his narcissism in there face and they are none the wiser. It's a shame people don't understand the cult of personality. I can see my kind yet I will always be a man rambling at the wind trying to warn others about this accursed disease.

Ghost @kuharido
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Political rants
Ghost @kuharido

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Take it from a former anarch. The big lies all breaks down at the local levels.
Now they cut out a lot, but the only places where I was able to find the full context was on left leaning commentators that tell you what to think afterwards. Take your pick.
You're right. One of the oldest tricks in the book for both parties is "Look! A Niche Social ISSUE!" And yeah, known about T Man has and trafficking little girls there from Marlago since at least the early 2000s. Before he was even in politics. They stole that one from us.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Meanwhile, for everyone else, I'd like you to look up the signs of demonic obsession (According to demonology, not church personalities), and analyze the behavioral patterns of Elon Musk since at least the twitter acquisition. Look past the brand, the memes, and the sway of his phantasmal charisma. (Know that it could also be drugs.)

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Political rants
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Complain all you want. Every year our country goes deeper and deeper and deeper into debt. Something has to be done about it. Cuts have to be made to stop the bleeding of money the country doesn’t have.
Congress doesn’t care. It’s not their money. They don’t have to pay any of it back.
Imagine if Elon musk gave you his credit card without a spending limit. And asked you to buy something nice for some other people. How careful would you be? Would you only buy what was asked? Or would you say “why do they get something and I don’t, and then buy your self something too?
What if you maxed the card out? No worries, just take a loan out in Elon’s name. It’s not your money. You don’t have to pay it back.
That’s exactly what the government is doing with your money. They take your money every year. Then they blow it places they have no business spending it. Then when they run out of our money, they take out a loan in our name that we have to pay back, and every year they run up our debt higher and higher. Why is that okay?
Our country is going to go bankrupt.
Forget the politicians and political parties. Just fix the mess we are in. Cuts have to happen before the country bleeds out.
Giving the government more money isn’t going to fix the problem. They’ll just say, “look, we have more money to waste”. Everyone else in the world is expected to live on a balanced budget. Why can’t they.
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