Political rants
Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault
Yeah I know people who have kids get particularly spikey when I bring up breeding licenses.
It's the only authoritarian thought I kick around because of the net positives.
Ghost @kuharido
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Political rants
Ghost @kuharido
I'd support genetic engineering. Selective breeding is still too random for my taste. Hard pass on that license to use the Internet. I don't need the government knowing I watch cat videos.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Political rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
Many self righteous people would've selected genetic engineering, if they could've. Ain't you glad Hitler couldn't do that or many... MANY other people?
Ghost @kuharido
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Political rants
Ghost @kuharido
My main interest in genetic engineering is help with genetic diseases and hereditary diseases. I don't think making someone superhuman is really possible I'm sure people will try though. I'd rather just see someone not have to worry about terminal cancer being in their genetic line.
Edit: Hitler went the robot route anyway
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Political rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
I'm not talking "The boys", I'm talking picking and choose sexes, looks, resilience...etc I'd rather know i wasn't chosen like a product.
Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault
This is actually pretty exemplary of my first post in this thread today, lol. We have had enough time on the internet to spot obvious hurdles in common debates and discussions.
It's not the same thing as
kicking babies off of cliffs like the Spartans did... and I acknowledged that it's authoritarian.
Doubt you would deny it would have positives. Just as ghost said, it would help reduce genetic ailments and predispositions.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Political rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
I understand that and we're working on those kinds of things. It's the step beyond, the "made to order" babies that I'd have issue with, as would most I suspect.
You saying my Internet license is revoked? ;P
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Political rants
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Great topic. I recommend the movie Gattaca (1997) if you haven't seen it. It did a great depiction of it.
You can argue against it all you like, until you actually have a child with down syndrome or some other genetic disease, and are praying to god that your next is normal.
A friend of my family has a rare genetic marker that's supposed to have the odds of less than 1% of being passed on to their children. She's had 2, both with the condition. They've were in and out of the hospital for the first 4 years of their lives. Racking up an enormous debt. I guarantee she'd be for genetic engineering if it could save her children from that.
I think any child would rather be a designer baby than rolling the genetic dice and coming up an epic fail. It's not like they have any choice in the genetics they receive either way. You don't get to pick for yourself before your birth as it is now.
Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault
It's crazy how much I actually think about that movie. For some reason it stuck with me. From the organic gun to the way he has to scrub his body every morning with lava rocks to get rid of any loose skin sells that would betray his identity.
Oops correction, the organic gun scene was from eXistenZ which came out around the same time, also sci-fi, also had Jude Law.
Arc @arc
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Political rants
Arc @arc
Honestly if I had a kid I'd juice that baby up with all the genetic enhancements I can. See in the dark, super speed, super strength, tall. That kid would be living life on easy mode.
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