What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))

Arc @arc
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What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Arc @arc
Here is what I got:
You are a Conjurer!
Similar to Transmuters, Conjurers can craft their aura into different physical objects. You can also affix rules and conditions to your objects to increase their capabilities and tighten their focus; while any Nen user can take advantage of this, it's especially effective for Conjurers. Conjurers tend to be stoic and strict, holding fast to their personal beliefs and principles.

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Ghost @kuharido
I'm still going to conjure a mother fucking gunblade.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Veru @verucassault

commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Mrs. Salt @verucassault I knew it! That's why we are such goodie friends

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Gabriel @gabriel_true

You can conjure a gunblade, but you still need to be a specialist to use it.
Don't you know your FFVIII lore or were you too distracted by Triple Triad, Chicken Wuss?
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