What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Ghost @kuharido
I'm gonna conjure a fucking gunblade!

flare3 @flare3
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
flare3 @flare3
This account has been suspended.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Gabriel @gabriel_true

I had to find a different link since the original doesn't work for me. Specialist was my category.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
@kuharido you do that, I'm conjuring a stand arrow.

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Ghost @kuharido
@forgetmenot stab me with the stand arrow please. I will risk it for a stand.

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Amir @amir_bahram
Ah I wanted to be a specialist https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/746782003189252207/1130599616853852180/image.png

commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Amir Bahram @amir_bahram amir is trans confirmed

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Oh yeah and what are you @swadian ? What's your NEN ability?

commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
yeah no, this answer will be a shitfest of people coming out to get me saying "huuurrrrr durrrrr I kNeWWwWwWWW ITTTttTTT itt do be LIeKKK DaTTTTT deY MaNiPuLaTEEEeeEEE REEeEEeeEeeeEE333!!!!!"

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))
Aka-san @redhawk

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