Pokemon fans!

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Pokemon fans!
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
Just caught a shiny Sneasle.

Jacob @jacobl89
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Pokemon fans!
Jacob @jacobl89
When doing a recent emerald Nuzlocke and had no counter for Winnoa Alteria but last minute realized my Azumarill had Rollout and could tank like a boss.
MurderBall is my favorite Winnoa counter.

The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
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Pokemon fans!
The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
Leave it to Post Malone to do a music video with freaking Charizard!!!!xD
He's poke malone now yup...singing in a pokemon stadium..jealous...>:(

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Pokemon fans!
Pete Zahut @criselington

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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Pokemon fans!
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern

AspieChu @projectotakux
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Pokemon fans!
AspieChu @projectotakux
@choicemoonbee but why of all people would they choose someone no one had ever heard of? To be fair the visuals were great and Charmander, Gengar, and Dragonite asserting dominance over him with T-posing is funny

AspieChu @projectotakux
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Pokemon fans!
AspieChu @projectotakux
Hatched a perfect IV shiny Rockruff (now a lycanroc) by dumb luck without the shiny charm, making my Like-hate relationship with swsh even weirder

AspieChu @projectotakux
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Pokemon fans!
AspieChu @projectotakux


gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
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Pokemon fans!
gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
Realizing that Gardevoir exists <3

Aka-san @redhawk
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Pokemon fans!
Aka-san @redhawk
Nuff said
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