Pokemon fans!

sapphire20 @sapphire20
Pokemon fans!
sapphire20 @sapphire20
What's your most favorable pokemon memory and why?

Cero @cero
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Pokemon fans!
Cero @cero
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Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Pokemon fans!
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Being a gay little nugget and pretending to be pokemon with my friends
Good times.

gugu @worldwidebeauty
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Pokemon fans!
gugu @worldwidebeauty
ahhh good old days where the only thing i did was play pokemon under my older brother's bed

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Pokemon fans!
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
The first time I beat Brock. It was Pokemon Yellow and that means Brock will kick your ass unless you knew to get a Mankey from Victory Road. I did not. I had a Metapod, Pikachu, two Rattata and Pidgey. Brock wrecked every Pokemon aside from Metapod. So all I could do was use Harden and I thought I was only prolonging the inevitable. Well then I ran out of Harden and Metapod started using Struggle, which I had no idea it could do. A few Struggles later and I beat Brock. I left the battle more confused than happy.

DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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Pokemon fans!
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
Pokemon Pearl was my very first Pokemon game..
My memories with Pokemon remembered when I was in high school really loved watching the Best wishes Anime series used to watch every episode each Thursdays.
With Pokemon Pearl Piplup was my first starter ever and have a special place in my heart.

Hi Tex it’s your ex I made @cowboycolt
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Pokemon fans!
Hi Tex it’s your ex I made @cowboycolt
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foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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Pokemon fans!
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
Pokemon Sword kinda disappointing, it was too short

Hi Tex it’s your ex I made @cowboycolt
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Pokemon fans!
Hi Tex it’s your ex I made @cowboycolt
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signumbell @signumbell
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Pokemon fans!
signumbell @signumbell
When I finally defeated the Elite Four and Cynthia in Pokémon Diamond after years of trying.
Anyways, I used to love Pokémon but now I don't all because of Sword and Shield.
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