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A different approach to combat harassment towards women

Why go shy? Unless you're thinking with your dick. Here's a fun fact, we ALL start out with basically a vagina and tits. There's actually a line that you can see and feel that runs from about the taint to your scrotum that was the opening that eventually turnes into male genitalia or a vagina. Plus, you have nipples because you at first had the beginnings of what for women, turns into breasts. So in short, no need to be shy since there's not much that separates the two.
And a clit is a shrunken down penis for a female when in utero
So basically women are men but with small peepee
https://i0.wp.com/www.kingtumblr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Memes-about-WTF-1.png xD
I'm going to be completely real here I have no idea what's going on in this post, but I'mma put down my basic thoughts. So it's worth noting that a lot of new people here are here for the dating aspect, with that in mind it should also be worth noting that a large majority of those people are going to want to make their profile look attractive in some form so that they can attract other people. One of the downsides of doing this is that the more "attractive" your profile is, the more that it will also attract varying amounts of creepy people. So I believe that deliberately making your profile look less attractive will most likely hinder the people that will try to strike up a conversation with you, and will rely on you to strike up conversations with others more often not to mention that some people will be less willing to keep talking to you if they think that they can't date you. Also adding to that, almost everyone on here that uses this as a dating platform will specifically target a gender, and because statistically there are more heterosexuals, males targeting females will be the most common, so by having your gender set on male if you are a female then it significantly decrease your chance of being selected. So what you get is a situation that causes fewer people, in general, to not be willing to strike a conversation with you, I feel as though that another way that this falls apart is due to some people being able to read social patterns that are common with a particular gender. or a particular person with said gender not being able to mask their social patterns.
Noooo... We all start out as basically female. Not the other way around.
no escape now @funmusicorn
@funmusicorn https://media.tenor.com/images/c74f2c93ab93bda6d11b09e6024312e2/tenor.gif
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