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115 @siruboo commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:40pm
there was a deer with a broken deer.. sorry but there was z a der and a human chilling ..
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:40pm
Some of those Bernie or Bust people became Trumpers. Let that sink in.
Jan 07, 21 at 4:40pm
Bernie is popular with the young people. You mean to tell me BERNIE didnt win but fucking biden did?
115 @siruboo commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
a panda would know more shit?
Xjwjxne @aliatus commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
Yeah that because mainstream media hates bernie
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
@flare3 you have a lot of problems, why you letting me be one, my dude?
flare3 @flare3 commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
This account has been suspended.
flare3 @flare3 commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
This account has been suspended.
Jan 07, 21 at 4:41pm
Like think about it, he dropped out not only once BUT TWICE. Who tf runs for president twice and drops out.
Jan 07, 21 at 4:42pm
Consensus of what happened yesterday, brainwashed followers break into the capital building in D.C. breaking windows and busting down doors. Ransacked offices and proceeded to take selfies in there without worry. I believe the police should have arrested every one inside. Equal treatment of every person breaking the law should be an unspoken law among officers when dealing with riots and anarchists. Now I know the government is corrupt with big tech and corporation control, but it's wrong what went down yesterday. I have seen online people praising the deaths of the three Trump supporters. No death should be celebrated out of hatred. Every person is a person. What they did was wrong but still not proper deaths at all. Before anyone says I am not left nor right winged. Now to the unspoken white privilege again that happened in the open yesterday. Do I think it exists? Absolutely. Do I support black lives matter? Yes of course. I heard people misconstrue the meaning of that as "only black lives matter", and no it does not mean that. BLM is a statement or reminder to all men and women that black lives do matter and deserve equal protection from fear of being shot down for little reason at all in the streets. Some people however are still racist to people of color and this is why the movement pushes the agenda so much to declare that black lives matter to the ignorant. Not to say one race is more important than the other, but to remind! It's obvious all lives matter but that is already known by all. This is to cement in there that blacks should be given the same rights as a white person when walking down the street. They get looked down at by certain people still and the movement will never stop until all people recognize the fact that we are all the same and deserve to all feel safe. Yesterday, was clear that there is a bias. Should people answer back with violence after yesterday? Hell no. We need to handle it with grace, and the democratic way. Reform. Reform. Reform. The future of America depends on the democratic process and how we handle it together as one whole unit. God bless America. Also get rid of superpax lawmakers. Companies should not have more freedom of speech than an average U.S. citizen based on monetary amount. It's a cycle of under that table deals with these people made to politicians to run for elections. That way they can push for the laws that benefit big tech/corporations the most. Keep companies out of the democratic process for good. The individuals themselves that work in said company can vote for who they want but no more money handouts for campaign funds. That is why all those millions of dollars were in those checks Bernie showed off in the hearing about the stimulus/omnibus bill. To pay the corporations back for the money they originally gave out to politicians to run for office. This was just the most recent deal reached exposed. Our money taken out should not be given to those companies anymore. Does the deli shop on the street corner take your money? Hell no! They hustle and make their profits through exchange of goods. This was robbing the american people for years.
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