What is it like being a boy on MO?

ookamilw @ookamilw
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
ookamilw @ookamilw
Sorry man, I ment your experience sounds very similar to mine and was attempting to say it in joke form.

Nat @the_noctor
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
Nat @the_noctor
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SuishiJax @riptionalios
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
SuishiJax @riptionalios
I'm in a state of constant positivity because the people here are cool

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Hi my name is Gabriel!
[Insert long answer]
[End on a meme]
I have to say watching Billie Eilish's facial expression during Eminem's performance at the 2020 Oscars is telling of how well his music has aged lol!

SleepDeprivedKat @kingkat
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
SleepDeprivedKat @kingkat
Honestly can’t really say, haven’t been on here too long to know. Hopefully it wouldn’t turn as crazy as some of y’all are sayin. Can it really get that weird lol?

GameOver @literallgarbage
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
GameOver @literallgarbage
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GameOver @literallgarbage
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
GameOver @literallgarbage
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GameOver @literallgarbage
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
GameOver @literallgarbage
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meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
It's like when most people rather wait for me to message them, but when there's no response, it makes me unsure whether I'm accidentally bothering them, they are too busy or other. Some women text way too boringly simple like "Mmhm", "ok", "that's nice", etc.

Lyzarus @lyzarus
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
Lyzarus @lyzarus
I'm just here to have somewhere to chat about a hobby I don't share with anyone irl. If someone comes along that turns out to be an interesting dating prospect I'll go for it.
Until then I'm gonna start courting Teacup. SOLD has spoken.
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