What is it like being a boy on MO?

. @sxfe
What is it like being a boy on MO?
. @sxfe
idk there was a post called opposite of it so y not? lmao
Personally, im just chilling.-Website is on the background if i get notified & things i keep posting stuff.

ookamilw @ookamilw
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
ookamilw @ookamilw
Im gonna assume this is some kinda joke on the other thread, but I'm to bored to care so...
It's just like the rest of my life. Sitting around watching the rest of the world enjoy living as I die more and more every day.

. @sxfe
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
. @sxfe
Dude, im tired of creep girls jesus they keep posting inappropriate photos (!) -w-

Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
Tiring. I'm getting along in my age and am just looking to make a solid and meaningful connection with someone, but to a lot of girls here it makes no difference. I get a lot of inquiries about if I'd like to be their daddy, or just generally the conversation goes down a sexual road. I don't really mind either way, but I at least want to BE in a relationship beforehand. Not to mention the absolute gall underage women have to fucking even try. If you're underage and attempt to make a connection that is anything other than plutonic friendship, it comes off immediately as incredibly disrespectful, and I will file you down as such.
On the flip side, I've met a lot of great people here that will definitely become life-long friends.

KuroK @kurok
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
KuroK @kurok
It has its moments. Mostly its just spamming the boards and rarely talking to anyone who messages. A couple weird messages from people like a girl asking if she could be my slave to random nudes. I assume its all just spam, but ill still occasionally reply. Usually with the nice guy approach. It usually either scares them off or shows them im not interested so they stop messaging me. Other then that tho the people who talk on the forums are cool and usually good for a laugh or two. Sometimes even for a real conversation and some advice coming from both sides. There are a lot of trolls with a couple real people sprinkled in. At least from my point of view ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Everyone see's the world differently, so to others it could just be a gigantic waste of time.... well it kinda is tbh

Nat @the_noctor
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
Laffantion @laffantion
Suffering as girls seem to like me but are too far away.

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
Ghost @kuharido
It most likely varies a lot. I'm usually just floating around. Been here since 2011, no romance but good friends. Romance is general is pretty bad for me anyway. I do need to make the effort myself usually for seeking romance or even friendship. In the last few years I've grown more cynical in life and do not put in much effort unless someone shows interest in me. Regardless I expect most correspondence to last less than a month. Other then that I just post stuff and chat which has good times.

ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
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What is it like being a boy on MO?
ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
This account has been suspended.

ookamilw @ookamilw
commented on
What is it like being a boy on MO?
ookamilw @ookamilw
Well then nat, thanks for typing it all out, but I would kindly ask you to stop scrying into my life.
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