Hello everyone ☺️

seafarings @seafarings
Hello everyone ☺️
seafarings @seafarings
Hey everyone

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
kratos10987 @kratos10987
Hey there. Did you bring the cookies?

Caramel Coffee @caramelcoffee
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
Caramel Coffee @caramelcoffee
Hey there!!

sushie @sushie
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site and enjoooy! :)

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome to the website~~

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft

CAC @cac
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
CAC @cac

Neverland @dakoya
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
Neverland @dakoya
Sup holmes. You might find some honest people here, but caring people might be too big a goal for a dude. You'll be facing a harsh winter on this site. As long as you're guy on this site, prepare to be ignored and live a life a silent freeter within the small "active" community at MaiOtaku.
I don't expect you to last long, as the coldness will eventually push you away, but for the brief time you're here, enjoy what this site has to offer.
I, in all honestly hope you can actually make some good friends on here, at the very least. (possibility of happening = 0.0001%).
Anyhow, welcome and good luck.

NekoSenpai @bunny_girl_senpai
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
NekoSenpai @bunny_girl_senpai

seafarings @seafarings
commented on
Hello everyone ☺️
seafarings @seafarings
I made a huge introductory post but it wouldn’t let me post it. I feel ya I don’t know if I’ll last long on here or not but it’s worth a shot you know. I’m at a point in my life where I think forming solid connections with people is something healthy and I would love to meet people on here with similar interests as NC isnt known for being the hippest or broadest minded place for people that like anime and video games and what not. I know it’s asking a lot from otakus but I want to give it a shot if not the very least meet some cool dudes who wouldn’t mind going to a convention with me. It’s been one of my dreams to go to one but nobody I know is interested in doing it.
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