
S_G @rsigma
S_G @rsigma
Sexual attraction vs romantic attraction. Thoughts and opinions? What do you look for more in terms of dating and getting in a relationship and the kind of relationship?
I couldn't think of a better title.

S_G @rsigma
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S_G @rsigma
For me I would put the importance ratio for dating/being in a relationship to be 25:75, for sexually attracted:romantically attracted. IMO you could potentially like a person a lot despite not being attracted to their physical features, and obviously one can agree that one can be attracted to a partner sexually without liking their personality much, but when looking for a a potential serious relationship, I would have a weight ratio probably similar to what I mentioned at the start.

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
both is best, but id take romantic over a fuck body any time of the week xD

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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Darius Nack @otakueaterd
*the lift my glasses like an anime character* this is truly an easy question and it's just because of the fact that nowadays this generation has went from having a relationship attraction to more of a sexual attraction as it depends on their genes and how they were raised plus what has happened around them to make them this way as they could either choose to follow in their parents footsteps or follow their own path to try to do something more with their lives. For me I am looking for a center between the two where I could have the sexual attraction and also the relationship attraction but nowadays it's just too hard because women are becoming more and more picky wanting higher standards for themselves and thinking that the guys that they see from TV are those high standards.

Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
romantic attraction, but you really need both...

. @vezax
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. @vezax
both, but romantic attraction matters more if i am looking for a long term relationship.

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
Hard to have one without the other.

Alfuh @alfuh
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Alfuh @alfuh
I've found personalities to completely destroy people that I would have otherwise found to be very physically attractive girls. The girls I've been most attracted to in my life were in all honesty very average in looks. I agree you need both, as I could never be with anyone heavy-set or didn't take care of themselves physically.
I'd say for myself that it's 30/70 on the sexual attraction to romantic attraction scale. The 30 is important, but it can definitely be carried by the 70 that can be demonstrated from the really special and unique people of the world.
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