Too picky, or am I unlucky?

docsanji @docsanji
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
docsanji @docsanji
So, all things considered, maybe I'm just being picky. But to be honest, I gotta ask: Is the idea of me wanting a girl who is into anime, wants more than a one night stand, and is into video games AND who can deal with me having a shitty past... is that too much? Or am i just unlucky? I'm asking as a really broken hearted guy.

CrossBones @crossbones
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
CrossBones @crossbones
You're just unlucky. There's a shit ton of girls like that. You'll probably have to work on your approach and not focus too much on those details. There's more than that.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
honestly ur standards are not picky at all, its pretty normal. My standards are picky urs is like easy to hit

docsanji @docsanji
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
docsanji @docsanji
@CrossBones I dunno, maybe my approach IS too much. I go up to them, act like a gentleman, and try to be a nice guy... but I'm probably too slow or simple minded to actually get through. I don't know.

ohnoes @ohnoes
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
ohnoes @ohnoes
There's no guaranteed way to get a partner, they aren't some game that if you enter a code you'll get what you want. If something isn't working, try another approach. And as for "failure", that's just a moment to learn from. Don't be the "nice guy", just be yourself. When you "approach " someone, go in with the thought "maybe we can be friends" and don't pressure yourself to over think about romance potential.

Dazai @dazai_osamu
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
Dazai @dazai_osamu
You call that picky? xD just be yourself in time you’ll find someone, don’t be a ‘nice guy’ expecting something, people like that annoy me. Just be yourself and if that means you are soft and caring then be it, just don’t think you’re entitled to anything because you was nice. Hope most f that made sense literally just got up.

docsanji @docsanji
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
docsanji @docsanji
@Dazai Oh trust me, I'm not into the idea of pretending to be something I am not. I hate that crap. I am a nice guy... it just feels like when I'm the nice guy, I always get shoved aside for someone else. Sometimes, I wonder if being a jerk wouldn't just help... But then I realize that's probably my sadness drilling into my head over and over and hurting me.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
neeto @neet_one
These days pretty much having -any- standards at all makes you picky in most people's eyes.

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
Lishifu @hakutaku
If you are genuinely kind, nice and caring, meanwhile, have some communication skills and patience, those girls may be attracted to you.

Baka @reinhardt76
commented on
Too picky, or am I unlucky?
Baka @reinhardt76
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