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Magic The Gathering?

@ceiselington Play xmage it's free, it might be more populated in us/eu time
Any edh decks where Reya Dawnbringer is viable? https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/400x558/7625.jpg
Aug 22, 21 at 10:42am
I miss playing MTG wanted to play archenemy for the longest time. I have quite a few decks by far my favorite is my Bolas deck just mechanically it feels pleasing to me and convoluted lol. I will have to make a new tapped out account so I can share my deck builds.
Nov 03, 21 at 2:03pm
My last good pull. Too bad he's banned. 8[
Nov 03, 21 at 9:26pm
@foo_fighter I have an angel Edh deck with her in it. I use Kaalia as mu commander and I can just cheat her out when I attack with kaalia. I think that is the best viable edh deck option for her because of that insane mana cost.
Magic the Gathering is a funny way of saying Duel Monsters
Nov 05, 21 at 10:30am
Seems like the cost of Argentum Armor has gone down some. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sX4AAOSwcQNfF2zp/s-l500.jpg I'm thinking about getting a couple to put in my Gilded Goose deck for shits and giggles. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/6-MAAOSwHVFeke8s/s-l500.jpg Earlier this year I added Hydra's Growth primarily just to shake things up. People know when I play my Gilded Goose deck it's because I just want to have some fun. It's probably the dumbest deck ever but I like to keep them on their toes. https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/large/front/5/1/5112ee2a-a6f3-4280-a915-000a97a9cdef.jpg
Nov 06, 21 at 5:39am
I have a lot of fun with a slimefoot deck. I swap out 4 cards for more casual gameplay. Otherwise, It has generally good synergy that doesn't go infinite.
Nov 06, 21 at 6:33am
I love playing my tribal wolf deck. If you have no board wipes in your deck it's impossible to win. My wolves multiply every turn, and every card in my deck makes more wolves. My strategy is to just never attack and play defensively and just wait for my opponent to give up and realize the futility of their efforts.
Nov 06, 21 at 6:45am
Oh yeah. Board wipes. That's what I was supposed to be getting, not armor. Silly me.
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