Your Opinion on Feminism

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Your Opinion on Feminism
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
The things you want to talk about when bored, So I don't have many peers in my area to talk politics with(Infact most people my age could give a rats ass about politics.) SO I'm here to discuss with all you lovely otaku. Alright, before I jump into this, Going to state this, Let's all keep this civil people, I'd like to believe most of the MO populace is mature enough to have an honest discussion with each other, BUT just throwing this out there anyways. We can all still disagree and not slit each other's throats.
Okay. Now that, That's covered. I want as the title suggests your opinion, on the glorious(sarcasm) movement named Feminism. To give an idea, I'd like to hear
1. Whether you think it has an overall positive or negative affect on Modern Society
2. Why, or How.
3. Whether you believe it is still necessary or not necessary, in your/, or other countries.
4. Any other things you'd like to add. This is hopefully going to be a nice, living, breathing discussion.
Now, to start off with my opinions on the matter. I(Like I believe most others believe) Believe that men and women are equal beings, That neither is better than the other, BUT unlike many seem to think, We are different, Our biology has proven time and time again, that is effects our mental and physical properties to some extent. However, with this in mind, I don't believe Feminism as a movement, is fighting for equal rights(At least in western society.), Rather for a leftist agenda. I don't believe the pay gap is an issue(Because of HOW it has come to exist is does not come from a place of sexism.), I don't believe we live in a rape culture(unless you mean prisons), and I don't believe Women are at a disadvantage in society(I think affirmative action in itself disproves this fact.).
I personally believe, all feminism is doing to the modern world, is making boundaries instead of burning them. Making issues out of nothing, and overall a dishonest organization. I believe it would be useful in places such as the modern middle east. However it's uses have long since been completed in European and American Countries. With half of it's 'goals' are about equal outcome instead of opportunity, and half of it's beliefs being outright manipulation of the existing facts.
HOWEVER, As the Title of this topic proclaims. This isn't just about my opinions, about this movement. It's all about yours. So if you agree, Explain why. If you disagree, I'm more than willing to see your point of view. This is all to get discussion rolling, so again. I ask everyone to stay civil and have a good time.

neeto @neet_one
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Your Opinion on Feminism
neeto @neet_one
Used to be a good thing, helped women earn quality and get out of a shitty situation. That however wasn't good enough for some of them though, so they twisted and warped feminism to their own needs, and convinced other women to follow less they be considered traitors or 'part of the problem'. This in order to go from being equal to men to dominating over men, all while attacking both men and women who don't agree with their nazi like ways of thinking. Modern day feminism has turned men into second class citizens, and women into pseudo men. You know there's something wrong when women are ashamed to look/act like women. That's not female empowerment, that's teaching them to be ashamed of what they are and to act more like what they're not. Men and women are naturally very different, but those differences aren't a bad thing. men and women are like yin and yang, there's a balance there. Unfortunately modern feminist don't understand this or if they do don't care. They think women should become more like men, while putting men down.
When questioned on this, women typically will deflect any criticism and claim you're sexist for questioning their methods and motives (or call you brainwashed if you're a woman). But if presented with enough evidence to show feminism isn't about equality anymore and is actually about power, many women will then claim it's only fair to treat men these days like garbage and give women power over them, because of things people who are no longer alive did to women who they might never have even known. Simply put, Feminism in it's current form has been working to create what it was originally made to fight, gender inequality.

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Your Opinion on Feminism
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Well I split Feminism into two categories, Feminism and "Modern Feminism". Feminism was movement to ensure women and men had equal rights, in periods of time when women had less. "Modern Feminism" seems to be a loud minority with no clear goal, but heavily leaning toward female superiority.
Feminism as I've described above has had an overwhelmingly positive effect in the US. I don't know enough about women's rights in Canada, Mexico, South American countries, and Western European countries to comment on them. Women share equal rights with men except in certain legal matters where they benefit more (I don't want to go into detail about that, google it if you're curious). I can't think of any positives "Modern Feminism" has yielded. Every instance I can recall ended failure. What they do try to accomplish would end up hurting more people, like their pursuit to change the definition of rape to exclude women as anything but the victim of said action.
I definitely feel the world still needs Feminism. In the US I feel the trans community would benefit greatly with Feminist advocates. I hear (but haven't researched) that there are Middle Eastern countries were women are in need of Feminism. The world doesn't need the disorganized power struggle that is Modern Feminism.
If Modern Feminists could come together, organize their goals, advocate for Trans rights, and find the means to support women who actually need their support, and change their outdated tactics for achieving their goals, they could be a great force for equality worldwide. I still hold out hope they'll get their act together though.

shinu @shinu
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Your Opinion on Feminism
shinu @shinu
This is for the USA.
Modern feminism is toxic. Classic feminism is a great thing. Classic feminists bear the burden of modern feminists, to the point where "feminism" is a tainted term. However, the major goals of classic feminism have been long since met. There is no gender pay gap anymore. Women have all the rights that men do, and they're equal rights. They have equal protection, and in many cases preferential treatment. Of course there are some circumstances in which men are given preferential treatment, however most don't argue that a burly man should be a fashion model and that a frail woman should be a construction worker. There are both genders in both of those, but the preference is known.
As men, there are things we will inherently not understand about women and female society. Even if one of us understands, the large majority will not, or will have to be educated to understand. To that extent, there are likely things that feminism can achieve today to create a more comfortable society for women. These don't necessarily have to extend to legislation.
There is no patriarchy anymore. A woman could be president in the next election if there should be a respected enough individual. To that extent, the feminist agenda should not be to push women into certain fields, but to inspire women to work in certain fields.

Guida (Sal) @salganha
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Your Opinion on Feminism
Guida (Sal) @salganha
Feminism should life with masculinism
Aka that both have problems, not only womans
Breast cancer is the cancer that people always fund money, but prostate cancer can kill as much man as breast cancer kills woman.
Man have a higher change of depression and suicide. In case of divorce, is more likely that the woman will get the custody of the childrens, even if the man have better conditions.
Still, we only talk about how strong a woman is, and that *only* she suffers.
Probably woman have worst because they have more sexual harassment and stuffs, but still, it isn't a "woman's exclusive" ticket.

densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
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Your Opinion on Feminism
densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
I mostly agree with what Leo said. I'm a very firm believer in *real* equal opportunity regardless of gender or race. And men and women DO have different biologies that result in different strengths, weaknesses and needs. That said, I am a supporter of the ideals of *real* feminism; and by that I mean the movement that seeks gender equality. But when you start talking about the Neo Feminist movement, or the Neo Feminazi movement as I call them, then yeah they can go to hell. I'm getting sick of all these far-left groups blaming all the world's problems on white males as a whole. I find that crap is incredibly toxic and it's not promoting real change or progress; it's just flipping the table and throwing someone else under the bus. All this emerging white male hate is honestly reminiscent how Hitler's anti-Jewish movement started. I actually find it funny that Trump can take crap for not renouncing the Nazi party, but no one says a word about Democrats not condemning this bullshit (I'm not a Trump supporter at all, I just think its incredibly hypocritical).
In short, life is hard for EVERYONE. Making it easier for one person by screwing over another isn't the answer. People need to quit whining and put in some damn effort.

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Your Opinion on Feminism
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
This account has been suspended.

Hiro? @hirokumiko
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Your Opinion on Feminism
Hiro? @hirokumiko
I agree with the ideals of feminism, but they culture surrounding it is something I can't subscribe to.
Additionally, I prefer the term 'Gender Equality' instead of the gender-biased term 'Feminism'.

Nobody @muffster
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Your Opinion on Feminism
Nobody @muffster
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MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Your Opinion on Feminism
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Hmm, I don't want to get too far into this. I prefer to separate the equalists and the fanatics.
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