You're Unattractive

Cero @cero
You're Unattractive
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Baka @reinhardt76
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You're Unattractive
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Lamby @momoichi
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You're Unattractive
Lamby @momoichi
you dont need to rub it in
im strange, a handful, have pretty bad anxiety, i can be childish, can have a bad temper when off my meds, stubborn, and i can be pretty abrasive and selfish

Max @reclaw
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You're Unattractive
Max @reclaw
I'm not too good in social situations. It's like there is an unwritten code for every situation, and everyone knows they have to behave according to it.
Except me. I don't know what's going on. And then people look at me strangely.
So yeah, that's my weakness. Might even be some mild form of Autism? No idea.
So far my only way of working around that problem of mine is experience. If I experienced a situation before, and did something wrong, I try to remember for next time.

Aerone @aerone
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You're Unattractive
Aerone @aerone
I can be very antisocial most of the time, I don't trust people easily so I don't let them in, I'm possessive, I get depressed, I don't know how to behave around people, and I hide. xD

Tenshi @azombieomg
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You're Unattractive
Tenshi @azombieomg
I'm antisocial and cynical. Stubborn and slightly uncaring
Commitment issues (so I avoid getting involved with other people) ~ anxiety

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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You're Unattractive
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
I'm literally crazy, ill ignore you, and then freak out when your not giving me attention. I am overweight, I hate my life and pretty much everyone in it. I can be clingy as Hell but if you don't respond how I want to my clinginess I lash out very harshly. I hate everything about myself. I wish I was a girl and I feel like I am complete trash.

Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
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You're Unattractive
Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
I know when people are into me, and when they're into the idea of me. Whenever I feel like I want someone, I'm quick to rush a relationship. It happened with one girl I was super in love with these past few months, and now she no longer feels comfortable around me. She wants to give a friendship a chance, but I don't know if I can bare not wanting benefits out of it.
Which makes me know I'm selfish when I want something, yet self-destructive and depressing when I don't. I love too much, but have to know when to restrain myself.
I want love so bad, but don't know how to go about it.

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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You're Unattractive
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
other than that i'm pretty awesome

. @richaadokun
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You're Unattractive
. @richaadokun
I think with my dating profiles, when most "normal" people see my profile filled with things like anime and video games, they're instantly like "neeeeeeeerd!" and turn off their computers in disgust.
In all seriousness though, I get really self conscious about my looks. I also know for a fact that my introverted self is a turn off to some people, it takes me a while to open up and talk more freely (in person at least).
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