Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?

galaxyexpress999 @galaxyexpress999
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
galaxyexpress999 @galaxyexpress999
This is sort of the dream for me. People I've dated know I'm into it but aren't themselves. Also they do t know how weird it can get heh.
Has anyone had success with this?

josh769 @josh769
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
josh769 @josh769
I've had one g/f that was into it though it was never something we really experienced together, it was more like we were just aware that we both watched it at times.

TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
My ex-girlfriend liked hentai. We'd recommend titles to each other. We were both into the same stuff, for the most part, so it worked out pretty well on that front.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
Lamby @momoichi
i have but never as extreme as i like mine
just vanilla shit

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
thatguytony @thatguytony
None of women I ended up with didn't even like anime, let alone hentai (hence why I'm here.) But I haven't gone that far into the crazy side of it. Like lamby, just vanilla

diegohsg @diegohsg
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
diegohsg @diegohsg
Yes, my last girlfriend was really into it and we used to exchange hentai drawings back then in college.
One of my girl friends stole my sketch book one day only to return it with a weird look on her face and she mentioned that the penis size of my character was too big so it wasn't realistic XD like wtf I felt so embarrassed *sigh*.
I actually convinced her to date me after I sent her hentai gifs, like the conversation just escalated quickly ok _---_...

Rain @rainx
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
Rain @rainx
Most of the girls I have dated if they even liked anime generally weren't big into it. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong sharing it with a partner, but it's just whatever both parties are most comfortable with. http://media.ign.com/boardfaces/44.gif

Cero @cero
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Aye, I've had two who were into it myself. One of them wanted to watch all the hentai to herself and the other, well... I think you can guess we enjoyed her hentai at the same time :-)
It's always nice finding a girl who's just as perverted as I am o/

grafeisen @grafeisen
commented on
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
grafeisen @grafeisen
Yeah, she was really cool. We had some mutual interests but many unique ones as well. We're still friends.
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