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ueda @ueda
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ueda @ueda
Ohhh maybe there are, then. Idk. I rarely watch movies/OVAs anyway since half the time, they're just fillers.

Etherea Lock @etherealock
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Etherea Lock @etherealock
Thanx for the request! ^_^
Hope you have a good day as well :)

ueda @ueda
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ueda @ueda
Isn't the movie just a recap anyway? That's why I've put off watching it. Awesome, I'll add you back.
Splatoon 2

grafeisen @grafeisen
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Splatoon 2
grafeisen @grafeisen
He does it again!
Splatoon is my life right now
Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?

grafeisen @grafeisen
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Have you ever had a partner that also liked hentai?
grafeisen @grafeisen
Yeah, she was really cool. We had some mutual interests but many unique ones as well. We're still friends.