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Happy Anniversary

Hi. I used to be a regular. I met many great peeps here. Many funny, some deep, some thoughtful. Mostly a lot of people who felt alone and were seeking or trying to figure themselves out. Over the last half year I have popped on and off sporadically. After moving to Atlanta, I had an adjustment period and so much was happening and going on I had very little time to post. That's my crap introduction or re-introduction. What I wanted to share was yesterday Arc held up his phone and showed a Facebook memory from a year ago that showed us on our first official date, in person. We do not consider that to be our anniversary at all, but it was an important milestone. We met in person from meeting on this site. Some things were going on at my job in Oklahoma that gave me the opportunity to pick up and leave. So we decided I would move to Atlanta to be with him. It was a virtual ideal scenario. Not everyone would be that lucky, to have a chance to make a move like that, I realize that all too well. But don't give up. If the people you meet in person aren't what you are looking for because you're into other things (I came from hillbilly land), don't settle. Find what you are looking for in someone. Maybe it can even be here. -fin
We should try and meet sometime since I'm only like 30 min from you 2 lol
Jun 28, 17 at 8:26am
Congrats, again! I think you hit the nail on the head with "Don't settle". Glad it seems things are still going strong for you two. :)
Jun 28, 17 at 5:42pm
Yeah, things are going pretty well between us still. Animekid, I either want to go to dragoncon or AWA this year since Veru and I missed out on MoMo Con. Maybe we can meet at one of those events!
That would be awesome. I plan to still try and attend both this year so hopefully we'll see each other at one of them :D
Jun 28, 17 at 10:08pm
Soooo.... I know this may be personal and I don't necessarily expect it to be answered, but...Are you two going to take it to the next level? I suppose marriage ain't for everyone, but it's just a curious, drunken thought.
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Jun 29, 17 at 3:47pm
We have talked about it but it's not something we are planning. My thoughts on marriage are muddled. The only difference between being married and not at this point is that our net worth/finances would be legally linked together and our families would have to meet and acknowledge each other. I understand weddings are money schemes and were industrialized like funerals were. They had small purpose and service but through the decades have ballooned into something more being passed off as "traditional". Still knowing that diamonds have no real value and are by no means as precious as they are marketed (so many women wouldn't have them if they were), I still want that sappy surprise proposal with a ring (no diamond though, an Arora gem or lab created gem of the like). And I still want a wedding but seriously can't imagine it having more than 30-40 people (something outside, perhaps with a pagan-like "ceremony" rather than the drab church or civil union type). I was just discussing with someone today my Maid of Honor would be wearing a tux or suit so no need to look for an ugly bridesmaid dress. Anyway, as you can see, I've put thought into it. Arc sometimes participates. It's just not something we are in a hurry to do. His mother on the other hand may light a fire under our asses some day to do the deed. XD
So so great T.T pls lend me a bit of your luck spreading in the air. I still wish you two the best <3
Jun 29, 17 at 9:11pm
My ceremony was absolutely non religious...well, except for getting married in a chapel, but the chapel was in a cemetery, the person who married us was not registered in our state (How do you fuck that up?) and as such we didn't know until after the honey moon, found someone who happened by coincidence to work in a funeral home and we legally got married on May 4th instead of April 29th( May the 4th be with us.). We understand the while business of marriage, but we also understand tax benefits. XD Also, no stone on hers, just a silver claddagh puzzle ring.
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