Twitter or FB
ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
Twitter or FB
ToukaGhoul @toukaghoul
do you guys prefer twitter or FB more?
Shebang @bonfiyah
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Twitter or FB
Shebang @bonfiyah
I'm hardly on both but I like Twitter a bit more. I just dislike the character limitations Twitter has. If Twitter changed the character limitations, I'd use it more. For Facebook, I just have messenger installed in case my "friend(s)" need me.
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Twitter or FB
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
^^^ Same
neeto @neet_one
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Twitter or FB
neeto @neet_one
They're both horrible.
Baka @reinhardt76
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Twitter or FB
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
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Twitter or FB
nonameyoudeserve @nonameyoudeserve
I stopped using both.. never got really into Twitter though
ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
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Twitter or FB
ThePolarTitan @thepolartitan
Twitter by far, because you can see and talk with actual famous people and its more convenient. Facebook has some stuff, but it is limited.
Lamby @momoichi
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Twitter or FB
Lamby @momoichi
but i use twitter more often (rarely) just to see the stupid shit some people post
Aurelio @animefan4life
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Twitter or FB
Aurelio @animefan4life
I have both but I rarely use it
AnimeJunkie @tbryants
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Twitter or FB
AnimeJunkie @tbryants
I had both (disliked Twitter), but now I only use Instagram. I like that it's only pictures (or memes) and I no longer try to keep up with the amount of people like I did on Facebook.
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