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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

I am of the belief that Obama did worsen race relations he was too pro Black Lives Matter despite several holes in their movement (hands up dont shoot was a pure lie) and not enough Blue Lives Matter.
Regardless of who's right/wrong, the country is more divided than ever and it's just leading to more violence and chaos. This country has always had severe issues but it's been mostly downhill since sometime around the 60s with lost jobs, nonstop inflation and ever increasing deficit of which ours is by far the worst in the world. We also have more of our population in prison than any country in the world and serious drug addiction issues. Lots of states are raising minimum wage but it doesn't matter if rental prices, food prices, etc. go up just as fast. Unless you cap inflation, you are just playing a never-ending game of catchup in which you get further and further behind until the poor population is big enough and desperate enough that you have an equivalent to the French revolution here in the US and civil war erupts. I fully expect that to happen if the status quo of greed and corruption continues.
no one wants to shoot bad presidents. there not worth it
@kawaiicat He's going to get a chance whether I like it or not. It's not up to me to give him a chance. If he proves me wrong then good. But I'm not going to sit around expecting it just as if I was sitting beside someone who used hate speak I wouldn't expect to come back the next month and find a changed person. @Napalm There's really no point in guessing what's more or less prevalent. You could be right, you could be wrong. Either way, hatred is too prevalent. And while I think Obama could have handled many things better, he certainly had to tip toe a thin line. You may say he as too black lives matter; most of black community says he wasn't enough of it. And I do think he screwed up with not being more vocal about violence against police. This area is one where the media screwed up big time too by highlighting this black lives matter movement when there is far more anti-violence activity in neighborhoods that doesn't get covered by the media at all. I've been to one. There were far more people in the building than I saw at any nearby black lives matter event. But no, nothing on the news about it. They just kept letting people think that black people don't care about crime in their communities by its own citizens. @Daggerfell I've been reading stuff all day long. Some is fabricated. There was one report of violence against a Muslim in Louisiana and she later said she lied about it. But there is a lot that very much appears to be true as well. And I'm not sitting on tumblr reading crap like you are. And "spray can" stuff that's too convenient. Yes, it's soooo convenient to scare the crap out of people. Such BS that people continuously underestimate the racial dynamic in this country. I'm sure all those UPENN freshmen are feeling safe and sound sleeping in their beds right now. I'm sure the people who have been intimidated by people yelling, taunting, or throwing things at them are dreaming peacefully. I'll tell you what. The day after the election I was driving back to Virginia from Delaware and there's a giant Confederate flag that flies along the road, easy to see. I've never in my life been intimidated by the Confederate flag. I have friends who associate with it. And I needed to get some gas, but I sure as heck wasn't stopping anywhere near there to get gas that day. Why? Because I knew Donald Trump woke up a sleeping dragon. And you really think that he didn't say anything racist just because he didn't say the N word? yeah, I sure like being part of "The African-Americans." Maybe if he ever said "The Caucasians" or "The white people" it could be overlooked. But he divided people with his words purposefully. During one of the debates he said he wanted the police to be trusted by the black communities and in the same sentence suggested stop & frisk. Really? That's how you build trust with a minority population? He knew what he was saying. And he knew more about his voting population than I gave him credit for. And his interview about the judge from Indiana, of Mexican heritage, reeks of racism.
People who won have no need to use terror tactics on anyone. just purely going on a basis of who has more motive to commit some of these "hate crimes" that have been reported all over social media. the side that lost have more motive to fabricate those things in order to rally people to their cause. "see! he's only won the election yesterday and already people are spreading hate crimes everywhere! seeee we were right!" so salty they lost that they lie about hate crimes against themselves to garner sympathy and try and rouse distrust in the candidate that they didnt like who ended up winning. there are two types of these hate crimes. those that have been proven to be fake. and those that might be fake. none have been proven to be legit. and considering the tantrums being thrown about by the losing party, I think it's safe to assume the vast majority are fake unless proven otherwise.
"People who won have no need to use terror tactics on anyone" Yeah...like Trump winning didn't valid the hatred a lot of people were feeling. Validation of hatred leads to actions of hatred. Many of these people kept their hatred silent so long as society seemed to reject it. For goodness sake. When you say you are going to deport a ton of people (with a certain group of people in mind) you can only expect your followers to go and start enacting that vision. Some humans love nothing more than to feed on terror. And they are feeling empowered. You've never felt empowered by something before? Being empowered helps you do things you would not otherwise do, good or bad.
If I know someone is going to be deported. I dont feel the need to go deport them myself. or beat them, or put swastikas on their car, or kill their cat, or anything else. if they are gonna be deported then thats that. my job is done. im not saying its impossible that anyone would be that dumb. but the coincidental timing of this along with the crying and desperation and protesting of the hillary camp i'm inclined to think the majority of these are fabrications. their side has by far the most to gain by these actions coincidentally occurring en masse days after trump's victory. and faking hate crimes is nothing new for SJW type crybully liberals. ever since being a victim has become a badge of honor and status symbol among their ranks, faking hate crimes in order to "spread awareness" has been going on for at least the past 2 years. it would not surprise me in the slightest if they turned up the frequency in a fit of righteous indignation after trump won.
You aren't a fan of sports are you? There are a lot of similarities between politics and sports. There has been for a long time. When the fans of a team see have their team win a championship, what do they do? They taunt the the loser without sympathy. The reason for it? Who knows. The timing isn't coincidental at all. Before the election happened, I had a discussion with my family about not going anywhere that wasn't necessary, no matter who won or lost. We predicted this would happen. So did other people. Therefore, you can't possibly say it's coincidence. And there is too much evidence for a lot of these actions for most of it to be fabricated. Nobody is going to gain anything from this. The left has nothing to gain from making its population afraid and the right has nothing to gain from performing scare tactics except to create more hatred.
@drmario Personally I find it a bit disgusting that you're this naive. First off, do you even understand how deportation works or what being a citizen of the United States means? Are you seriously trying to compare the deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants to terror tactics? Are you THAT fucking dense? "OMG BUT HE'S GONNA DEPORT US." Well, not if you came here legally. You know, that line filled with people who followed the process and respected our laws? Did you ever stop to think you've pissed them off as well? No one likes a line cutter, and that's exactly what illegal immigrants are to their legal immigrant counterparts. It cheapens the pride of earning citizenship for the ones who come here the PROPER way. Your kind loves to preach about how you care about immigrants and minorities, but you really don't. You judge everyone by their looks and skin color. "Confederate Flag, MUST BE SOME RACIST REDNECKS WHO ARE GOING TO ATTACK ME. BETTER GET GAS SOMEWHERE ELSE, DAMN TRUMP FOR WAKING THEM UP." Now did you SERIOUSLY just judge a group of people based on their skin color and heritage? Isn't that EXACTLY what you complain about? This idiotic hypocrisy is exactly why the Politically Correct culture signed its death warrant. The people have had enough of the thought police. We've had enough of being assumed as racists, sexists, rednecks, etc. If you want to start earning some respect back, it's time to start practicing that tolerance that you love to preach about so much.
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