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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

Don't twist my words. I very clearly stated that was the first time I ever felt that way about the flag. And I think it was a reasonable feeling to have on that day. If you can't understand that, then that's probably good because it's something that people shouldn't need to understand. I've said nothing hateful here. I avoided going to the area because at the time I had concerns about the area, the same as I would avoid an area that displayed a lot of gang signs the day after a gang war. Were there people who were going to attack me? Most likely not. Did I think about and consider it a possibility. Yes. I wasn't familiar with that area, so I wanted to get back to an area I was familiar with. It's a reasonable decision to make. I never looked at a person and came to the conclusion that a specific person would attack me, and wouldn't do that. Back in high school even had a black classmate yell at me across the cafeteria for sitting with my friend who wore a confederate cap. This was no condemnation of "rednecks" as you suggest, but a condemnation of the hatred that is spreading throughout the country on both sides. The point about deportation is that a lot of people have hateful sentiment against ALL Hispanics. People of hispanic descent and even Asians who look like they might be Hispanic are being told by people on the streets to get out of the country. For those who are citizens, this is their country. Can you imagine how much it would suck to feel rejected by your own nation?
the thing i notice most about people who are against trump is they bring up the same things over and over. hispanics being deported, Islamic oppression, building a wall, him being stupid. im sorry im against trump too but even i find those to be bullshit reasons to be against him. the man isnt stupid he has a successful business and is making millions, he isnt making hispanics go anywhere its just illegal immigrants (which kinda is already happening he is just enforcing it more) he is even trying to single out terrorists to keep our country safe. which are all good reasons, i feel like trump cant get his words across or rather he doesnt hold back. the reasons im against him are not those bullshit excuses like "omg he is a racist, misogynistic, asshole" my issues lie with him being able to handle an entire country. what kind of relationships will he form in order to keep us safe? will he start a war we cant fight? will he make things harder on the people living here? im not writing the man off as a retard who doesnt know what he is doing. cuz again he isnt.
Can any of you Trump lovers tell me what Trump's position on various issues is? He flip flops more than a fish out of water so I have no idea. (Or at least it seems that way from various news from the "liberal media" you guys tend to blame for anything anti-Trump). Also, how can you defend a guy that's admitted to walking in on girls changing that include underage (ages 15-19) girls just because he could? I'm not even going to bother with his other "locker room talk". "Stern then asked Trump if he has an age limit. "No, I have no age — I mean, I have age limit. I don't want to be like Congressman Foley, with, you know, 12-year-olds."" So it's cool as long as you keep it 13 and up I guess. http://www.inquisitr.com/3562837/lawsuit-claiming-donald-trump-raped-a-13-year-old-girl-refiled-in-new-york-court-new-witness-comes-forward/ It's ok, I'm sure it's "false" or at least his league of lawyers will get it shut down again. Really great guy and awesome role model for today's youth. (Not that I'm a fan of Hillary either). Edit: Lol, Just now saw Teacup's post talking about the same thing.
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"topless underaged girl in your gallery" A drawing is not the same as an underage girl. But what I do or don't do has no relevance on whether it's ok for the leader of a country to do. Also I don't fuck 13yo girls.
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^Which is exactly why women are afraid to come forward, particularly concerning a figure like Trump. Everyone assumes they must be lying. When one does finally come forward (in the case of the then 13yo, who only came forward when Trump says he never assaulted anyone.) It makes it easier for others to come forward who were afraid to before. Now I'm not going to claim that no woman makes false accusations. But so many more get assaulted that are afraid to pursue charges for being branded a liar. Why we have a culture of rape.
If a man admits to taking advantage of girls just to see them naked, not caring how uncomfortable they are or even disturbing to them. It's hardly a reach to think he would put his hands on some against their will as he blatantly admits to actions that show he has no respect for them or their personal space.
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