[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?

lostgirlfromwonderland @lostgirlfromwonderland
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
lostgirlfromwonderland @lostgirlfromwonderland
Is it safe?
I don't know! I can't decide.
What about you ?

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
It depends, if I have know the the person for a while then I might.
It's not the safest thing to do but that's because people can harass you without consequences.
Personally, I'd say get to know them better^.^

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
yaasshat @yaasshat
If you have doubts, you have your answer.
As for me? I have, to several people, most just texted and one was...hmmm....Pervy....to say the least.(And a little off kilter, but that was a few years ago.) I didn't complain at the time...;)*ahem* I mean, just use common sense.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
neeto @neet_one
Only did it once. For the most part I'd have to know them very well before doing that. handing our your number to random strangers is the last thing you want to do.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Only once, but it wasn't through here technically. Gave it via skype.
Edit: I lied, three times. two we ended up use using group skype chat though, the other we talked on the phone every now and again.

Rain @rainx
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
Rain @rainx
If it's someone I trust and want to get to now better, then yes I will. Texting is an easy way to get a hold of someone more directly.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I have gotten a person's digits before on here. But we haven't texted in a while. >.> I was actually surprised that I got them when I asked since I was only joking. XD

Foxicity @foxicity
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
Foxicity @foxicity
Pretty much same as everyone else, Just get to know the person and you decide, if ya dont wanna give them your phone number you could do skype if you use it often. If it gets wierd or you just dont like it, you can block them.

jynxxxxxxxxs @jynxxxxxxxxs
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
jynxxxxxxxxs @jynxxxxxxxxs
i use pinger/textfree if i give out a number online, fuck the creeps lol i have trust issues

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
[META] Do you ever give out your cell phone number out to people on here vis PMs? If so, when/why?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Bad idea, unless I plan on meeting them shortly after doing so. I have stalkers on other sites who I shoulda never even given my skype. I could only imagine how bad it would be if they were texting me.
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