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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

Yes, I will admit you have me pegged...I over think everything, and yet say things without thinking, I have had true love....not knowing what life would be like with out her. But now she is dead and I blame myself for it. But that is a story that doesn't need to be here.
Dan, Pegged? Nah. I don't know you, just what you put here. I make a guess and could be wrong, but the guess still has useful info. I mean, I didn't know about "her". Not to pry, but are you using that metaphorically or...? You've had love? Great! And bad... It hurts to lose it, but I have a hunch you'll find it again. My loses have not been as traumatic, but lost love still stings. My condolences, if you weren't speaking metaphorically.
In was not speaking metephorically, and when a choice takes a life you start to over think every choice you make. But I did find love again only to have my heart ripped apart because of lies and then cheating, and then more lies...and seeing her every day with jerks that don't treat her right *her words* that hurts that much more
Dan, This changes the entire nice guy question that you've posed. It's way more than that, in your case. I won't bother prying, as I know it's a bit more serious than woe is me. I believe there's another that had a situation similar to yours happen that's on the site. I can't say they'll speak up to help out, but just know that you are not alone. Also, try not to over fill your thoughts with "what if" or "Why?", rather, "What's next?".
I used to have that mindset about being the "nice guy" when I was younger. Friend zone this, friend zone that. After awhile, I grew out of it and improved myself. Just being nice, friendly, etc, isn't enough. Some people have certain "needs". By needs, what they want from a person. If you don't have what they want, they don't want you. It's how most people are.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. Thanks for the laughs. lololol
@lumen same here. I mean sometimes I feel bad, buts that's just the abuse speaking, I freind zone ya if you creep me out or scare Me
Hey Dan, I'm sorry to hear about your loved one. I'm also sorry to hear about your recent cheater-girlfriend. Don't take that out on you; you've done nothing wrong and you deserve better. It seems that at one point you had someone who loved you dearly, so we'll use that as a basis for your next match: what did that person love about you? And ask yourself directly: would you date yourself? Seriously think about it. What makes you desirable? And don't say "being nice" because everyone should be nice by default. There's gotta be something else that makes you special, but since most of us don't know you, we can only go by your profile. I'll paste it below: ---------- "Well I am not really sure what to put here. I am a guy, I have done a little cosplaying, haven't been to a convention for atleast 4years, I watch a lot of anime....I mean ALOT. I will watch pretty much any that look like it could be interesting. My all time favrite anime would have to be Hunter x hunter because it goes so far in detail about how the nen abilitys work and how it can be used to explain any powers in any anime. Thanks for reading this and if you have any questions for me just ask...I tend to work late at night till about 1-3am Easter standard time. So I am sorry if it takes a bit" ---------- This is gonna hurt but it's for your own good! (this goes for everyone btw) My first impression (think of me as the opposite sex for the time being)... YOU DON'T PUT EFFORT INTO ANYTHING!!! "Well I am not really sure what to put here" <-- THAT'S INDECISIVE!!! Would a potential partner think "I sure do love a man who doesn't know what they're doing!!" <-- OF COURSE NOT!!! This is a huge turn off, whichever sex they may be. Then you wrote "I am a guy" <-- WELL NO SHIT WE CAN SEE YOUR PROFILE PICS!!! I use a kawaii anime avatar so it makes sense that I write my gender (then again I'd probably still need clarification with a real photo...) And then you wrote "I have done a little cosplaying, haven't been to a convention for atleast 4years, I watch a lot of anime...." Oh no, mah boi... MAH BOI!!! WHY?!?!?! Let's think of it this way. We'll change a few words: "I have done little FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR MY FUTURE, haven't been to THE GYM for atleast 4years, I watch a lot of CHINESE CARTOON PORN/SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS/DISNEY MOVIES....and I mean ALOT" You're basically listing the things you're not good at! Why would you list things you kinda-sorta do? Your pics show that you have at least 4 (maybe 5?) cosplay pics. Guess what? You've cosplayed more than someone who hasn't! Therefore, you COSPLAY! End of story! What if someone interested in cosplay read your profile? They'd think "Oh, they only cosplay a LITTLE so I guess they don't like it that much?" or "Oh, they only play a LITTLE BIT of tennis, guess we won't have much in common" OR "Oh, they [DO SOMETHING BUT ONLY A LITTLE], guess they're UNMOTIVATED." Back on topic with photos (remember, I'm the girl here. But even as a guy this still applies): YOUR PHOTOS ARE GRAINY AS HELL!!! What does this imply? It implies... YOU'RE POOR!!! YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY!!! Someone with a decent camera wouldn't have muddled pictures like that. They don't compliment you AT ALL. Even if we compare it to the men on this thread alone, their avatars are bright, colorful, clear, some more-so than others, some a combination of the few, some even have head-shots. It all plays into the psychology of your potential mate! Your current Ryu/hadouken picture prominently displays your stomach region. That's the focal point... which implies gluttony! IT MEANS YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF!!! (GASP!!!) ("BUT WAIT!! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!") I know it's probably not true but that's what someone unconsciously thinks when they see your photo! Not the head, not the hadouken all the way in the corner... IT'S YOUR GLUTTONY!!! You also have duplicate photos. You know how annoying that is?! It's only works with kawaii girls since we get to see their face again (#WOMP) But besides being annoying, it also implies that you're untidy. You don't care how organized your photos are, therefore you probably don't care about your room, house, car, or anything! And all this coming from a so-called "dapper" man? And then there's the username itself! "Dan the dapper man"...THIS ALSO SOUNDS WISHY-WASHY!!! You should capitalize the first letter of the third and fourth word! You might as well write "Dan the blahblajkljdsfal;kjw" since that's what it looks like (squinting really far away)! Change it to "Dan the Dapper Man" and see what a difference it makes. You didn't even consider this at all, therefore it's not important... therefore... YOU HAVE VERY LOW STANDARDS. It's probably why you ended up with a cheater in the first place--("HEY WAIT I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!") OH, uhhh opps (#LAUGHTRACK) I'm just kidding with that last one, but then it leads to the most telling quote: "I will watch pretty much any [anime] that look[s] like it could be interesting." Let's change those words: "I will DATE pretty much any GURL who looks like they could be interesting." Think about that sentence! Then think about your original. I won't even describe what it implies! It's all there! The only positive is the fact you work and bring home that bacon (woo hoo!!!) but then your wrote: "1-3am EASTER standard time" Dan... What's with all these spelling errors? You're not Dan the EASTER-Bunny Man. You're not Dan the EGGman either... YOU'RE DAN THE DAPPER MAN WHO FOR SOME REASON DOESN'T EVEN SHAVE (being dapper is all about having a clean look y'know!) SEE ALL THESE CONTRADICTIONS?!?!? ("B-but you're Shytaku and yet you sure don't act like it") THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!!! What's important is that you show your best qualities in real life as you do on your multiple dating profiles. Did you know a study (which I can't find right now) states how spelling mistakes are a TOTAL TURN OFF on dating sites?!? And everywhere?!? Nobody likes them! Not even... YOU!!! And then you "thanked" your audience for reading your profile?... You shouldn't be thanking them... YOU SHOULD INSTEAD APOLOGIZE FOR WASTING THEIR TI-("HEY C'MON SHY WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?!") Oh, uhhh my bad (#LAUGHTRACK) But the point still stands: I don't know you at all. I can only gather what was "implied" by the mistakes and sparse information. So let's read all your traits: You're NICE but untidy, you work but you're still poor, you're unorganized, you have a ton of spelling mistakes so you probably slacked off in school or you're really dumb, you don't put effort into showing your amazing qualities... BECAUSE YOU HAVE NONE!!! And that's probably not true but that's what you left for your audience! Anyone reading your profile, aka your potential girlfriend, would assume so by reading your tiny paragraph! I mean, you're a Mai Otaku supporter for a reason, right? You HAVE to be serious about this otherwise you wouldn't waste money on this crummy site! You searched for and found another girlfriend which means you moved on! YOU TOOK THE NEXT STEP!!! BE THE YOU WHO SHINED FOR YOUR PAST GIRLFRIEND!!! SHOW US WHY SHE LOVED YOU!!! LIST ALL YOUR AMAZING POINTS RIGHT NOW!!! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF!!! (also please tell us whether the points listed above were accurate. If it's the opposite, your profile needs a HUGE makeover to show your top qualities!!)
This will be the third time I posted this article, but yeah, still relevant. Basically being nice is honestly the bare minimum to having social interactions and shouldn't be the only defining personality trait of yours. We, both men and women alike, should honestly be looking for more beyond that minimum when we're making any kind of relationship romantic or otherwise. http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person/ Also, just my experience, there have been different reasons why I've "friendzoned" guys but they all boil down to these three. Guys who I thought we were friends but they actually wanted more than that from the beginning (basically mistaken intentions as to why we're friends). Guys who thought that being nice got them tokens that they can exchange for sex (the woooorst). Guys who I think are great people but I don't want to date/sleep with them.
Ok people, let's stop roasting this guy. http://mstatic.mit.edu/nom150/items/225-steerroast.jpg One thing to point out, there are 7.4 billion people in world. Blue represents more females than males. Red is more males than females by total population. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Sex_ratio_total_population_per_country_smooth.png Quick Answer. Considering the thousands of individuals any one person meets just during their adolescence alone, the average person may well meet upwards of 10,000 people in a lifetime. Nonetheless, calculating how many people the average person physically meets in a lifetime is a somewhat impossible statistic https://www.reference.com/world-view/many-people-average-person-physically-meet-lifetime-72cdc2307255db8e With that being said, there is more than likely someone out there for you or you for them.
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