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So how's life?

Jun 22, 16 at 3:34pm
leo, dude, that's partially what this thread is for. Get it out, vent, and then have fun with your friends and forget about it. Hang in there, bub.
Jun 23, 16 at 8:25am
Thanks. I needed that. I will keep your problems in my prayers. Hopefully whoever's up there Will lend a hand.
My life is like Pandora's box, so I sip my coffee instead and take everything in strides. :D
My life lately has been nothing but soul searching journey in hope of happiness yet my traumatic life won't allow it. But I simply stay hidden within this fandom hoping my love for VOCALOID and Moe with one day sweep me away in to nirvana or a coma. But all and all, I've been worse.
Jul 01, 16 at 6:49pm
Absolutely amazing for the past month or so. Life couldn't be any better!
Jul 02, 16 at 9:28am
Life was a pun to me before. But after what all said and done, I never felt better. I mean, Im done with thesis now hohoho. All I need to do now is face the terrifying Analytic Geometry and having 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a day. Hahaha.
Jul 02, 16 at 6:08pm
slow, always tired
Awful, can't wait for this year to be over already. Feeling the need to start a new life.
Jul 03, 16 at 5:38pm
The great thing about an awful life is that each day is a new start.
Fine. It's slowly getting better, a few set backs here and there, but there's no point in stopping now. So forward and onward!
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