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jose1990 @jose1990
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jose1990 @jose1990
i am from cicero and i want to make a board game or play with freinds over my place

jose1990 @jose1990
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jose1990 @jose1990
do you ever visit cicero

JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
Oh the constant smell of fresh gunpowder flowing in the window is a nice reminder that freedom day is almost here. Have a safe and happy 4th everyone ^-^
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JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
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JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
So my perception is mostly spot on? Well I greatly thank the compliment but I still believe in order to truly know a man you must talk with him, but I also know that a few cleverly placed guesses can make a man open up dont you think ;P In all honesty, I like you. You seem like a laid back dude to hang out with and play Magic with (I'm a player myself) or maybe have an intellectual conversation. Whatever you'd prefer ┐(´д`)┌
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JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
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JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
You seem to know exactly what to say. Everything you've added to this thread has brought nothing but joy! (: