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Random thoughts...

Oct 05, 24 at 4:03pm
That's ok... My mom's dad fought in WWII... Guess which siiiiiide?
Oct 05, 24 at 4:08pm
@yaasshat was it the American side?
Oct 05, 24 at 4:15pm
Nein... Try again. Oooops... Was told I might also have family in South America, too....ooooooppppps. Meh... He escaped east Germany with the help of an American missionary and thus I'm here.
Oct 05, 24 at 4:33pm
@yaasshat so he was a Nazi that fled to South America? Or was he a project paperclip engineer?
Oct 05, 24 at 4:42pm
Ehhh... Not a Nazi, but forced to fight, as we're most men of age. He didn't want to fight, but no choice in the matter. He told a story of how a drunk Russian soldier stole his bike, his commanding officer asked him why he didn't shoot him and he told him his gun jammed. So, he definitely did not want to fight. The south America thing is just dark humor, although it might have an ounce of truth. My grandfather ended up in Arizona, with the help of said missionary.
@yaasshat I feel a little embarrassed but I was slightly off about my grandmother's birth year by a few years. She was actually born in 1923. Her husband was born 1909. He was a World War II pilot for America.
Oct 05, 24 at 5:12pm
Passing ships in the night, we are. Genetically speaking, that is(They say there are only five degrees of separation from everyone on the planet.) .lol My grandfather was born around the early twenties, as was my grandmother. Soooo... It's a fair assumption their parents were born at least in the 1890's. Couldn't tell ya about my dad's dad, never met the man. To say he was a shit stain, that would be an understatement(Stories.. that and trying to rape his daughter, amongst many other stories.) . I mean, my dad didn't care when he died. Soooo.... Yeah. My dad's mom? Sweet grandmother, at least. Anyways... Both of them would've been born twenties or just a touch earlier, too. We're getting old, man.lol
Oct 05, 24 at 5:21pm
Oct 05, 24 at 5:25pm
Would "antique" be a better term, then? Antiques are "sometimes" valuable or at least collectable...
Oct 05, 24 at 6:02pm
Yes. Also fragile. And expensive. I'm dirt cheap and brawny. A true find at the scrap pit.
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